
自交系KL3是黑龙江省农业科学院克山分院以441×1034为基础材料经多代自交选育而成的优良自交系,是黑龙江省早熟玉米育种的重要自交系,因其抗病性好、抗逆性强、配合力高、农艺性状好、熟期适中而被广泛应用。自交系KL3直接利用选育8个玉米品种,间接利用选育13个玉米品种,社会效益显著。 英文摘要: The maize inbred KL3 was bred from two maize inbred lines 441 and 1034 in Keshan branch of Heilongjiang Academy of agricultural sciences,it is an important inbred line of Early Maturing Maize Breeding in Heilongjiang province.It is widely used because of its good resistance to disease,strong resistance, high combining ability,good agronomic characters and moderate maturity. Inbred lines KL3 directly breeding 8 maize varieties and indirectly breeding 13 maize varieties and notable society benefit. 查看全文