【目的】在旱棚盆栽滴灌条件下研究探索滴灌水肥一体化下种植铺管模式对夏玉米氮素积累分配,土壤硝态氮含量和产量的影响。【方法】试验设对照一管一行(65cm等行距模式)和一管两行(3种)模式:即40+90cm、45+85cm、50+80cm,滴灌管铺在窄行中间。【结果】结果表明,玉米成熟期45+85cm一管两行模式下叶片氮积累量最高,显著高于对照一管一行模式,比对照高31.58%,籽粒和地上部氮积累量也显著高于对照和50+80cm一管两行模式,比对照分别高35.51%和27.06%。40+90cm与45+85cm一管两行两模式间各器官和地上部氮积累量差异均不显著;50+80cm模式籽粒氮分配比例比40+90cm模式低 16.86%,差异显著,而45+85cm、40+90cm一管两行模式及对照三模式间籽粒氮分配比例差异不显著;各模式下,无论水平距离根部0-10cm还是10-15cm处, 从地表到40cm各土层硝态氮含量均为对照模式最高,其它一管两行模式间差异不显著,但总体上为45+85cm<40+90cm< 50+80cm。50+80cm、45+85cm和40+90cm三模式籽粒产量分别比对照高42.31%、 28.00%、14.56%,其中50+80cm模式与对照差异达到显著水平;与对照相比50+80cm、45+85cm模式下地上部干物重显著,分别比对照高28.52%、26.40%。【结论】从玉米产量、植株氮吸收和土壤硝态氮残留方面综合考虑, 45+85cm和40+90cm一管两行滴灌铺管模式,即窄行(40-45cm)铺设滴灌带一管两行,宽行为85cm-90cm模式可推荐为华北区域夏玉米滴灌水肥一体化绿色增产种植铺管模式。
【Objectives】In order toclarify the effects of pipe laying patterns for drip irrigation on the nitrogen accumulation and distribution, nitrate nitrogen in soil and yield in maize were studied under pot culture condition.【Methods】Four kinds of pipe laying patterns were settled, i.e. one pipe between two narrow rows of plants ( 40 +90 cm, 45 +85 cm, 50 +80 cm), and one pipe for each row of plant (65 + 65cm) as control.【Results】45 + 85 cm pipe laying patterns recorded the highest nitrogen accumulation in leaves, which was significantly higher than that of the control (+ 31.58% ).The accumulation of nitrogen in grain and shoot under 45 + 85 cm pipe –laying patterns were significantly higher than those of control and 50 + 80 cm patterns, by 35.51% and 27.06%, respectively higher than those in the control, there was no significant difference between 45 +85 cm and 50 +80 cm patterns. The distribution percent of nitrogen to the grain in 50+80cm pattern was significantly lower (-16.86%) than that of 40+90cm pattern, while there was no significant difference among 45+85cm, 40+90cm and control patterns. With in the area of 0-15cm horizontal distance from the root, the concentration of NO3 - N in soils of all soil layer from surface to 40cm underground were highest in control, and there was no significant difference among those three patterns, the patterns were ranked in the order from low to high: 45+85cm<40+90cm< 50+80cm. 50 + 80cm, 45 + 85cm and 40 + 90cm patterns all recored higher grain Yield than that of the control, with the increase by 42.31%, 28.00% and 14.56%, respectively, and the difference between 50+80cm and control was significant. the shott dry weight of both 50 + 80cm and 45 + 85cm were significantly increased by 28.52%, 26.40%, respectively, compared with control.【Conclusion】with yield, nitrogen accumulation and the reducing of the residue of nitrogen considered, 45 + 85cm and 40 + 90cm could be recommended to be used for the drip irrigation in summer maize under wheat-maize rotation system in North-China Plain.