
蚜虫是玉米主要虫害之一,抗蚜品种的选育及推广是有效防治蚜虫的主要途径。试验在重虫区三亚乐东试验基地,连续两年对222份玉米自交系在自然发病的条件下进行蚜虫抗性鉴定和评价。确定为害度为抗性评价指标,同时筛选出15份高抗蚜虫自交系。结合血缘追踪发现,抗性材料主要来源于Reid、lancaster种质。结果为抗蚜育种和新的抗蚜基因挖掘奠定了基础。 英文摘要: Corn leaf aphid, caused by Rhopalosiphummaidis (Fitch),is one of the most common insect pests of maize worldwide.The main way to control aphidisbreeding and propagation of resistant varieties and the resistance germplasm and genes screening and utilization is the basic foundation for resistance breeding. A total of 222 maize inbred lines were evaluated for 2 years by natural inoculation in Sanya, where is a serious natural infection areas of corn leaf aphid. Based on the average damage index for each line by per plant, 15 highly resistant inbred lines were identified. Most of the resistant inbred lines came from Reid and Lancaster heteroticgroup. 查看全文