发表日期:2017-06-25 09:22PM 阅览次数:
秋粘虫(Spodoptera frugiperda)因其惊人的迁徙能力、超强的繁殖速度、广泛的取食来源严重危害着农业生产。尤其是在其原产地美洲大陆,仅巴西每年的防治成本就超过6亿美金。近年来,秋粘虫已开始侵袭非洲大陆,未来数年可能扩散至地中海、亚洲等地,其危害不可估量。
培育Bt转基因作物是防治粘虫的有效手段,相关产品也已上市多年,例如:杜邦先锋与陶氏益农合作开发的表达Cry1Fa2蛋白的转基因玉米TC1507(商品名Herculex™ I);孟山都公司开发的表达Cry2Ab2和Cry1A.105蛋白的第二代抗虫玉米MON89034(商品名YieldGard™ VT Pro™),都具有很好的粘虫抗性效果。二代抗虫玉米MON89034相比于孟山都开发的第一代抗虫玉米MON810来说,对玉米螟抗性相当,但对秋粘虫和棉铃虫的抗性效果要更好,因此在扩大作物抗虫谱,防治昆虫抗性种群方面具有很大的优势。Bt蛋白间的交互抗性情况是影响昆虫抗性管理效果的重要因素。最近,美国科学家利用纯化的Bt蛋白,Bt玉米和Bt棉花为材料,系统评估了Cry2Ab2蛋白与Cry1F、Cry1A.105、Cry2Ae、Vip3A几种主要的Bt蛋白对秋粘虫的交互抗性情况。结果表明,Cry2Ab2蛋白与Cry1F、Cry1A.105和Vip3A间无交互抗性,但与Cry2Ae蛋白间有交互抗性。
Pest Manag Sci. 2017 Jun 19.
Cross-resistance to purified Bt proteins, Bt corn and Bt cotton in a Cry2Ab2-corn resistant strain of Spodoptera frugiperda.
Yang F, Kerns DL, Head GP, Price P, Huang F. Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, USA.
Gene-pyramiding by combining two or more dissimilar Bt proteins into a crop has been used to delay insect resistance. The durability of gene-pyramiding can be reduced by cross-resistance. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a major target pest of the Cry2Ab2 protein used in pyramided Bt corn and cotton. Here, we provide the first experimental evaluation of cross-resistance in S. frugiperda selected with Cry2Ab2 corn to multiple Bt sources including purified Bt proteins, Bt corn and Bt cotton.
Concentration-response bioassays showed that resistance ratios for Cry2Ab2-resistant (RR) relative to -susceptible (SS) S. frugiperda were -1.4 for Cry1F, 1.2 for Cry1A.105, >26.7 for Cry2Ab2, > 10.0 for Cry2Ae, and -1.1 for Vip3A. Larvae of Cry2Ab2-heterozygous (RS), SS, and RR S. frugiperda were all susceptible to Bt corn and Bt cotton containing Cry1 (Cry1F or Cry1A.105) and/or Vip3A proteins. Pyramided Bt cotton containing Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab2 or Cry1Ab+Cry2Ae were also effective against SS and RS, but not RR.
These findings suggest that Cry2Ab2-corn selected S. frugiperda is not cross-resistant to Cry1F, Cry1A.105, or Vip3A protein, or corn and cotton plants containing these Bt proteins, but it can cause strong cross-resistance to Cry2Ae and Bt crops expressing similar Bt proteins.