Plant Biotechnology Journal:农科院生水稻所王克剑研究组找到提高水稻
2017年6月12日,国际期刊《plant Biotechnology Journal》在线发表了中国农业科学院水稻研究所王克剑课题组和中科院遗传所李家洋课题组合作完成的“提高CRISPR-Cas9-VQR系统在水稻中的基因组编辑效率”研究论文。研究显著提高了CRISPR-Cas9-VQR系统在水稻中的基因组编辑效率。硕士研究生胡熙璕和遗传所助理研究员孟祥兵为论文共同第一作者,李家洋研究员和王克剑研究员为共同通讯作者。
CRISPR-Cas9系统已经广泛应用于基因组编辑。但是该系统在进行基因组编辑时,除需要特异识别靶序列之外,还需要特异识别一段NGG的邻近核苷酸序列,这大大限制了该系统的编辑位点选择范围。在前期的研究中,课题组通过对Cas9蛋白进行定点突变,获得了Cas9蛋白的VQR变体,并在水稻基因组中成功实现对NGA邻近序列的编辑,极大的扩展了基因编辑位点的选择范围(Hu et al., 2016. molecular Plant),然而CRISPR-Cas9-VQR系统与原CRISPR-Cas9系统相比较,其编辑效率依然偏低,这限制了该系统在水稻中的推广应用,为此,本研究通过优化sgRNA的结构以及使用水稻內源性强启动子来驱动VQR变体的表达,成功将CRISPR-Cas9-VQR系统的编辑效率提高到了原有系统的3到7倍。
increasing the efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9-VQR precise genome editing in rice
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) is a revolutionary technology that enables efficient genomic modification in many organisms. Currently, the wide use of Streptococcus pyogenesCas9 (SpCas9) primarily recognises sites harbouring a canonical NGG protospacer adjacent motif (PAM). The newly developed VQR (D1135V/R1335Q/T1337R) variant of Cas9 has been shown to cleave sites containing NGA PAM in rice, which greatly expanded the range of genome editing. However, the low editing efficiency of the VQR variant remains, which limits its wide application in genome editing. In this study, by modifying the single guide RNA (sgRNA) structure and using strong endogenous promoters, we significantly increased the editing efficiency of the VQR variant. The modified CRISPR-Cas9-VQR system provides a robust toolbox for multiplex genome editing at sites containing non-canonical NGA PAM.