
本研究选取中国北方生产主栽玉米品种和常用育种自交系,通过人工接种的方法进行了玉米鞘腐病的抗性鉴定。结果显示,139份玉米杂交种中,免疫品种3份,高抗品种124份,抗病品种12份,无感病品种,表明目前生产上推广的玉米杂交品种对鞘腐病的抗性较好,但鞘腐病的发率病与病情指数正在逐年上升;供试12份自交系的抗性水平明显低于杂交品种,发率病明显高于杂交品种。测产结果显示,产量损失同玉米鞘腐病发病程度呈正比。上述结果可为玉米品种的合理布局和科学选育抗鞘腐品种提供参考。 英文摘要: The main varieties in Northern China were taken to evaluate the resistance to Corn sheath rot (CSR). The results showed that there were 3 varieties evaluated as immune, 124 varieties as high resistant and 12 varieties as resistant among 139 hybrids. Meanwhile, susceptible varieties were not identified. Those results illustrated that the popularized varieties had good resistance to CSR, but the rate of disease incidence and index were rising year by year. Nevertheless, the resistant level of 12 inbreed lines were significantly lower than hybrids and the disease incidence were significantly higher than hybrids. Furthermore, there was positively correlation between yield loss and the disease degree. These results will provide fundamental basis for guiding rational distribution and scientifically breeding the resistant resources of maize to CSR. 查看全文