
以河北省低平原区不同类型的5个夏玉米品种为试材,在同一种植密度水平下,研究不同夏玉米品种灌浆、脱水和粒收特性之间的差异,并对各相关特性因子对产量的影响进行了相关分析。结果表明:5个品种在授粉后40d时达到了各自百粒鲜重最大值,之后开始缓慢下降,伟科702鲜重最大,为45.87g;华美1号最小,为42.79g。5个品种百粒重和鲜重表现趋势一致,在授粉后40d内增长较快,衡玉1182最终百粒重最大,为32.38g,蠡玉35最小,为29.30g。5个品种灌浆速率呈单峰曲线,均在授粉后20d左右达到最大峰值,灌浆峰值表现为衡玉1182>华美1号>伟科702>郑单958>蠡玉35。授粉后70d时各品种籽粒含水率衡玉1182最低,为21.98%,蠡玉35显著高于其余4个品种(p<0.05),为32.83%。以授粉后30d为界,分为脱水前期和后期。华美1号前期日脱水速率慢,后期快;蠡玉35则正好相反,其他3个品种表现较为稳定。用Logistic方程 Y=A/(1+Be-kt)可较好地对各品种籽粒灌浆过程进行模拟(R2>0.99),郑单958和蠡玉35达到最大灌浆速率的时间(Tmax)最长,华美1号最短;衡玉1182籽粒最大灌浆速率(Gmax)和平均灌浆速率(Gmean)最大,郑单958最小;活跃灌浆期(D)方面郑单958和伟科702最长,蠡玉35最短。将整个灌浆过程分为粒重渐增期、快增期和缓增期,华美1号3个灌浆阶段粒重终止时间和粒重渐增期持续时间(T1)均最短,蠡玉35粒重渐增期终止时间(t1)和持续时间(T1)最长,郑单958粒重快增期和缓增期终止时间(t2、t3)和持续时间(T2、T3)最长;衡玉1182在整个灌浆过程中的粒重增重和平均灌浆速率均最大,蠡玉35灌浆3个阶段粒重增重和渐增期平均灌浆速率(P1)均最小,郑单958粒重快增期和缓增期平均灌浆速率(P2、P3)均最小。5个品种粒收时籽粒含水率差异很大,衡玉1182最低,华美1号次之,蠡玉35最高。衡玉1182籽粒破损率、杂质率和产量损失率均最小,籽粒产量最高;蠡玉35籽粒破损率、杂质率和产量损失率显著高于其余4个品种(p<0.05),籽粒产量最低。对各相关特性因子和产量进行相关相关分析,品种产量与最大灌浆速率(Gmax)、平均灌浆速率(Gmean)、各灌浆时期粒重增量(W1、W2、W3)和籽粒快增期、缓增期平均灌浆速率(P2、P3)呈显著正相关;品种产量与积累起始势(R0)、到达最大灌浆速率的时间(Tmax)、粒重渐增期持续时间(T1)、籽粒含水率、破损率和产量损失率呈负相关。综合分析,衡玉1182具有籽粒灌浆速率快、收获时籽粒含水率低、破损率和杂质率低、产量高等特质,可以作为直接粒收品种大面积推广。 英文摘要: In the 5 summer maize varieties of different types of low plain area in Hebei Province as test materials, in the same planting density, study on grain-filling,dehydration and grain grouting characteristics between the different summer maize varieties,and the influence of the related factors on yield characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that after 40 days of pollination, 5 maize varieties reached the maximum value of 100 seed fresh weight, and then declined slowly. The maximum fresh weight of Weike702 was 45.87g, and Huamei1 was the smallest, the value was 42.79g. 5 varieties of 100 seed dry weight and fresh weight showed the same trend, it was a rapid growth period at 40d after pollination , the 100 grain dry weight of Hengyu1182 was maximum, the value was 32.38g, Liyu35 was minimum for 29.30g. The grain-filling rate of 5 varieties showed a single peak curve, reached the maximum peak at 20d after pollination,the peak performance of 5 maize varieties showed that Hengyu1182 > Huamei1 > Weike702 >Zhengdan958>Liyu35. The percentage of grain water of Hengyu1182 was the lowest,the value was 21.98% when 70d after pollination,Liyu 35 was significantly higher than the other 4 varieties (P 0.99),the time to reach the maximum grain filling rate (Tmax) of Zhengdan958 and Liyu35 was the longest,Huamei1 was the shortest; the maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax) and average grain-filling rate (Gmean) of Hengyu1182 was the maximum and Zhengdan958 was the minimum; the active grain-filling period (D) of Zhengdan958 and Weike702 was the longest, the shortest was Liyu35. The filling process was divided into the grain weight gradual increase stage, rapid increase stage and slow growth period, The stop time of 3 filling process and the grain-filling duration of gradual increase stage(T1) of Huamei1 was the shortest, the stop time of gradual increase stage(t1) and grain-filling duration of gradual increase stage (T1) of Liyu35 was the longest, the stop time of rapid increase and slow growth stage (t2,t3) of Zhengdan958 was the longest,the same as the grain-filling duration of rapid increase and slow growth stage(T2,T3).The increased grain weight and average grain-filling rate of Hengyu1182 were the highest in the whole filling process,the increased grain weight and the mean grain-filling rate of gradual increase stage(P1) of Liyu35 were the smallest in the whole filling process, the mean grain-filling rate of rapid increase and slow growth stage(P2,P3) were the smallest in the whole filling process.The percentage of grain water of 5 maize varieties was very different at mechanized grain harvest,Hengyu1182 was the lowest,Liyu35 was the highest.The grain broken rate,grain impure rate and yield loss rate of Hengyu1182 were the smallest,but the grain yield was the highest.The grain broken rate,grain impure rate and yield loss rate of Liyu35 were significantly higher than the other 4 maize varieties (P < 0.05), the grain yield was the lowest. By correlation analysis of the correlation factor and yield, the maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax), the mean grain-filling rate (Gmean),the increased grain weight of the whole grain-filling process stage (W1, W2, W3) and the mean grain-filling rate of rapid increase and slow growth stage(P2,P3) were significantly correlated to yield,and initial grain-filling potential(R0), the time reaching the maximum grain-filling rate(Tmax), grain-filling duration of gradual increase stage(T1),the percentage of grain water and yield loss rate were negatively correlated.The comprehensive analysis showed that Hengyu1182 was characterized by fast grain-filling rate, low percentage of grain water, low grain broken rate, low grain impure rate and high grain yield,it can be used as a mechanized grain harvest variety planted in Hebei Lowland Plain. 查看全文