
申W93是以黑糯玉米品种‘荆黑糯2号’为选系基础材料,采用二环系方法,经多代自交选育,获得的配合力高、品质优、抗性强、转色早、蒸煮不掉色的紫黑色糯玉米自交系。以申W93为亲本组配的3个品种通过省级审定,表现高产、稳产、抗性强、品质好、转色早、转色快、蒸煮不掉色,适宜在我国东南区、云南等西南地区种植。截至目前,该自交系组配的杂交种累计种植面积达1万hm2,较普通糯玉米增创经济效益2.4亿元。申W93在特色糯玉米育种中具有良好的应用前景。 英文摘要: A stable purplish glutinous maize inbred line Shen-W 93 was obtained from self-crossed progenies of ‘Jingheinuo 2’ by characterized selection. Shen-W 93 was characterized as high combining ability. In addition, both Shen-W 93 and its hybrids, which were approved by provincial authorities, showing high yield, good quality, high resistance, early coloring and color magnet after cooking. To date, these hybrid varieties have been applied to a total cultivated area 10 000 hectares, which increased a benefit of 0.24 billion Yuan compared to general glutinous maize, for their good adaptabilities to planting in Southeast China and Southwest China. Shen-W 93 was a glutinous maize inbred line with excellent quality, while it has good application prospects. 查看全文