Angew Chem Int Ed:中科院青岛能源所姚礼山研究组利用液体核磁共振

摘要 : 2017年5月4日,国际一流化学领域期刊《Angew Chem Int Ed》杂志上发表了中国科学院青岛能源与过程研究所姚礼山研究员课题组的最新研究论文

2017年5月4日,国际一流化学领域期刊《Angew Chem Int Ed》杂志上发表了中国科学院青岛能源与过程研究所姚礼山研究员课题组的最新研究论文:“Entropy Drives the Formation of Salt Bridges in Protein GB3”。研究通过优化的核磁共振pH滴定方法,测量了GB3中4对盐桥在不同温度条件下的强度,并阐明了盐桥形成的机制。文章第一作者为姚礼山研究员课题组的研究生张宁博士和王叶飞同学。


该课题研究发现,蛋白质盐桥会随着温度的升高而增强,通过范德霍夫方程(-2.303DpKa = DH/RT -DS/R)拟合得到DH 和DS,DH > 0和DS > 0,表明熵驱动了盐桥的形成,而焓变不利于盐桥的形成。随后,研究人员采用分子动力学模拟方法计算了盐桥自由能随温度的变化,结果和实验结论一致。计算研究表明,去溶剂化熵对盐桥的形成起到了主导作用,即盐桥的形成导致了原本围绕在离子周围的水分子被释放,从而增加了溶剂的熵值。



Entropy Drives the Formation of Salt Bridges in Protein GB3


Salt bridges are very common in proteins. But what drives the formation of protein salt bridges is not that clear. In this work, we determined the strength of four salt bridges in protein GB3 by measuring dpKa values of the basic residues that constitute the salt bridges with a highly accurate NMR titration method at different temperatures. The results show that the dpKas increase with temperature, indicating that the salt bridges are stronger at higher temperature. Fitting of dpKas to the van't Hoff equation yields positive dH and dS, indicating that entropy drives the salt bridge formation. molecular dynamics simulations show that the protein and solvent have opposite contributions to dH and dS. Specifically, the enthalpic gain contributed from the protein is more than offset by the enthalpic loss contributed from the solvent whereas the entropic gain is originated from the desolvation effect.


