Mol Biol Evol:中科院动物所张健旭研究组等利用全基因组比较揭示

摘要 : 2017年5月8日,国际分子生物学和进化领域的权威期刊《Molecular Biology and Evolution》杂志在线发表了中国科学院动物所张健旭研究组与北京生科院孙中生,赵方庆两个研究组合作的一篇研究论文

2017年5月8日,国际分子生物学和进化领域的权威期刊《molecular Biology and Evolution》杂志在线发表了中国科学院动物所张健旭研究组与北京生科院孙中生,赵方庆两个研究组合作的一篇研究论文,论文题为Population genomics reveals speciation and introgression between Brown Norway rats and their sibling species。研究报道了我国褐家鼠及姊妹种—大足鼠的基因组比较研究的成果。研究组滕花景、张瑶华和石承民为论文共同第一作者、张健旭研究员、孙中生研究员和赵方庆研究员为论文通讯作者。

褐家鼠属于家栖性鼠类,生态适应性极强,分布几乎遍布全球,是地球上最为成功的入侵哺乳动物。由其驯化而来的实验室大鼠成为最早的实验动物,已被广泛地应用于生命科学研究,它也是全球危害最为普遍的鼠。我国东北地区和蒙古被认为是褐家鼠的重要起源地。 张健旭/张瑶华前期与英国科学家Peter Keightley合 作,发现我国东北地区的褐家鼠种群遗传多样性很低,仅仅是小家鼠的五分之一,大约在2万年前出现过一个种群瓶颈 (2012 G3. 2:1661-1664;2015 Mol. Biol. evol. 32,2547-2558 )。与小家鼠相比较,褐家鼠的野外生物学研究要少得多,它作为独立物种出现的时间以及能迅速适应环境的基因组特点更是知之甚少。





Population genomics reveals speciation and introgression between Brown Norway rats and their sibling species


Murine rodents are excellent models for study of adaptive radiations and speciation. Brown Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) are successful global colonizers and the contributions of their domesticated laboratory strains to biomedical research are well established. To identify nucleotide-based speciation timing of the rat and genomic information contributing to its colonization capabilities, we analyzed 51 whole-genome sequences of wild-derived Brown Norway rats and their sibling species, R. nitidus, and identified over 20 million genetic variants in the wild Brown Norway rats that were absent in the laboratory strains, which substantially expand the reservoir of rat genetic diversity. We showed that divergence of the rat and its siblings coincided with drastic climatic changes that occurred during the Middle Pleistocene. Further, we revealed that there was a geographically-widespread influx of genes between Brown Norway rats and the sibling species following the divergence, resulting in numerous introgressed regions in the genomes of admixed Brown Norway rats. Intriguing, genes related to chemical communications among these introgressed regions appeared to contribute to the population-specific adaptations of the admixed Brown Norway rats. Our data reveals evolutionary history of the Brown Norway rat, and offers new insights into the role of climatic changes in speciation of animals and the effect of interspecies introgression on animal adaptation.


