Syst Biol:中科院动物所李枢强研究组发表青藏高原蜘蛛研究成果

摘要 : 2017年4月20日,国际期刊《Systematic Biology》在线发表了中国科学院动物研究所李枢强研究组题为“Extinction vs. Rapid Radiation: The Juxtaposed Evolutionary Histories of Coelotine Spiders Support the Eocene–Oligocene Orogenesis of the Tibetan Plateau”的研究论文

2017年4月20日,国际期刊《Systematic biology》在线发表了中国科学院动物研究所李枢强研究组题为“Extinction vs. Rapid Radiation: The Juxtaposed evolutionary Histories of Coelotine Spiders Support the Eocene–Oligocene Orogenesis of the Tibetan Plateau”的研究论文,研究报道了李枢强研究组通过对青藏高原及其周边地区的隙蛛(漏斗蛛科)进行研究,发现该地区在始新世-渐新世期间的造山运动对隙蛛的起源、扩散和多样化都产生了巨大影响,甚至导致了部分隙蛛类群的灭绝。该发现在一定程度上缓解了近些年地质学家和生物学家在青藏高原隆升时间上产生的分歧。博士后赵喆为论文第一作者,李枢强研究员为论文通讯作者。






Extinction vs. Rapid Radiation: The Juxtaposed Evolutionary Histories of Coelotine Spiders Support the Eocene–oligocene Orogenesis of the Tibetan Plateau


Evolutionary biology has long been concerned with how changing environments affect and drive the spatiotemporal development of organisms. Coelotine spiders (Agelenidae: Coelotinae) are common species in the temperate and subtropical areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Their long evolutionary history and the extremely imbalanced distribution of species richness suggest that Eurasian environments, especially since the Cenozoic, are the drivers of their diversification. We use phylogenetics, molecular dating, ancestral area reconstructions, diversity, and ecological niche analyses to investigate the spatiotemporal evolution of 286 coelotine species from throughout the region. Based on eight genes (6.5 kb) and 2323 de novoDNA sequences, analyses suggest an Eocene South China origin for them. Most extant, widespread species belong to the southern (SCG) or northern (NCG) clades. The origin of coelotine spiders appears to associate with either the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum or the hot period in early Eocene. Tibetan uplifting events influenced the current diversity patterns of coelotines. The origin of SCG lies outside of the Tibetan Plateau. Uplifting in the southeastern area of the plateau blocked dispersal since the Late Eocene. Continuous orogenesis appears to have created localized vicariant events, which drove rapid radiation in SCG. North-central Tibet is the likely location of origin for NCG and many lineages likely experienced extinction owing to uplifting since early Oligocene. Their evolutionary histories correspond with recent geological evidence that high-elevation orographical features existed in the Tibetan region as early as 40–35 Ma. Our discoveries may be the first empirical evidence that links the evolution of organisms to the Eocene–Oligocene uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau. [Tibet; biogeography; ecology; molecular clock; diversification]


