The Plant Cell:福建农大唐定中研究组发表植物受体激酶调控植物与

摘要 : 近日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了厦门大学海峡联合研究院植物免疫研究中心主任唐定中教授题为“Receptor Kinases in Plant-Pathogen Interactions: More ThanPattern Recognition”的综述文章。

近日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了厦门大学海峡联合研究院植物免疫研究中心主任唐定中教授题为“Receptor Kinases in Plant-Pathogen Interactions: More ThanPattern Recognition”的综述文章。综述阐述了植物受体激酶调控植物与病原菌分子互作的研究现状。该文章由唐定中教授与中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所周俭民研究员共同受邀完成,唐定中教授为该文章第一作者和共同通讯作者。



Receptor Kinases in plant-Pathogen Interactions: More ThanPattern Recognition


Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and Receptor-like proteins (RLPs) play crucial roles in plant immunity, growth, and development. Plants deploy a large number of RLKs and RLPs as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that detect microbe- and host-derived molecular patterns as the first layer of inducible defense. Recent advances have uncovered novel PRRs, their corresponding ligands, and mechanisms underlying PRR activation and signaling. In general, PRRs associate with other RLKs and function as part of multiprotein immune complexes at the cell surface. Innovative strategies have emerged for the rapid identification of microbial patterns and their cognate PRRs. Successful pathogens can evade or block host recognition by secreting effector proteins to “hide” microbial patterns or inhibit PRR-mediated signaling. Furthermore, newly identified pathogen effectors have been shown to manipulate RLKs controlling growth and development by mimicking peptide hormones of host plants. The ongoing studies illustrate the importance of diverse plant RLKs in plant disease resistance and microbial pathogenesis.


