Plant Biotechnology Journal:农科院作科所谢传晓研究组发表玉米基因组

摘要 : 2017年4月5日,《Plant Biotechnology Journal》期刊在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所玉米分子育种技术和应用创新团队玉米基因组编辑育种创新研究组谢传晓研究员题为“RNA-guided Cas9 as an in vivo desired-target mutator in maize”的研究论文

2017年4月5日,《plant Biotechnology Journal》期刊在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所玉米分子育种技术和应用创新团队玉米基因组编辑育种创新研究组谢传晓研究员题为“RNA-guided Cas9 as an in vivo desired-target mutator in maize”的研究论文,报道了该小组利用基因编辑技术提高作物育种效率的研究实例及其具体实现途径。硕士生李楚曦和刘昌林助理研究员为论文的共同第一作者,谢传晓研究员为论文通讯作者。

传统育种过程中,目标基因在受体品种中的聚合与导入依赖减数分裂过程中的遗传重组与交换,不可回避会面临连锁累赘(linkage drag)问题,显著影响育种效率,需要多个遗传世代从构建较大的遗传群体中筛选与鉴定目标基因两侧发生供体与受体DNA双交换的小概率遗传事件,以实现目标导入聚合且受体遗传背景回复。多种作物回交育种实践都表明,采用多个遗传世代回交与大群体筛选回交育种策略仍难以克服连锁累赘问题,育种过程耗时长,工作量大,效率低。



RNA-guided Cas9 as an in vivo desired-target mutator in maize


The RNA-guided Cas9 system is a versatile tool for genome editing. Here, we established a RNA-guided endonuclease (RGEN) system as an in vivo desired-target mutator (DTM) in maize to reduce the linkage drag during breeding procedure, using the LIGULELESS1 (LG1) locus as a proof-of-concept. Our system showed 51.5% to 91.2% mutation frequency in T0 transgenic plants. We then crossed the T1 plants stably expressing DTM with six diverse recipient maize lines and found that 11.79% to 28.71% of the plants tested were mutants induced by the DTM effect. Analysis of successive F2 plants indicated that the mutations induced by the DTM effect were largely heritable. Moreover, DTM-GENErated hybrids had significantly smaller leaf angles that were reduced more than 50% when compared with that of the wild type. Planting experiments showed that DTM generated maize plants can be grown with significantly higher density and hence greater yield potential. Our work demonstrate that stably expressed RGEN could be implemented as an in vivo DTM to rapidly generate and spread desired mutations in maize through hybridization and subsequent backcrossing, and hence bypassing the linkage drag effect in convention introgression methodology. This proof-of-concept experiment can be a potentially much more efficient breeding strategy in crops employing the RNA-guided Cas9 genome editing.

doi: 10.1111/pbi.12739

