Plant Biotechnology Journal:农科院彭于发团队成功建立转基因水稻非靶

摘要 : 2017年4月18日,《Plant Biotechnology Journal》期刊在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所彭于发团队题为Bt rice in China- focusing the non-target risk assessment的研究论文,论文建立转基因水稻非靶标效应评价技术体系。

2017年4月18日,《plant Biotechnology Journal》期刊在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所彭于发团队题为Bt rice in China- focusing the non-target risk assessment的研究论文,论文建立转基因水稻非靶标效应评价技术体系。第一作者是李云河,李云河、彭于发和Jorg Romeis 三人为共同通讯作者。.




Bt rICE in China — focusing the nontarget risk assessment


Bt rice can control yield losses caused by lepidopteran pests but may also harm nontarget species and reduce important ecosystem services. A comprehensive data set on herbivores, natural enemies, and their interactions in Chinese rice fields was compiled. This together with an analysis of the Cry protein content in arthropods collected from Bt rice in China indicated which nontarget species are most exposed to the insecticidal protein and should be the focus of regulatory risk assessment.

DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12720

