
摘要 : 2017年4月14日,国际知名生物化学杂志《Journal of Biological Chemistry》在线发表了南方科技大学生物系汪涛课题组与北京大学生命科学学院孔道春研究组和金长文研究组合作的一篇研究论文,论文在真核生物DNA复制源组件方面取得重要进展

2017年4月14日,国际知名生物化学杂志《Journal of Biological Chemistry》在线发表了南方科技大学生物系汪涛课题组与北京大学生命科学学院孔道春研究组和金长文研究组合作的一篇研究论文,论文在真核生物DNA复制源组件方面取得重要进展,研究成果题为“Sap1 is a replication-initiation factor essential for the assembly of pre-replicative complex in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe”,研究并被选为该期封面文章。

DNA 复制(DNA replication)是生物体最基本的生命活动之一。在生命体系漫长的演化过程中,生物体逐渐发展出精细的生物化学机制来确保遗传物质在复制过程中的准确且完整的传递。这些机制保证了在正常情况下DNA在每一个细胞周期中能且只能复制一次。DNA 复制的起始过程(DNA replication initiation)是整个DNA复制的开端和重要的调控位点,其本质就是复制源DNA与复制起始蛋白以及细胞周期调控蛋白之间复杂的相互作用。

在真核生物中,DNA复制的起始过程包括前复制复合物(pre-RC, pre-replication complex)的组装和激活。细胞通过严格调控pre-RC的形成和激活以维持细胞周期的正常进行。自1973年以来,研究者陆续发现细胞分裂控制蛋白6(Cdc6)/ Cdc18、微染色体维持蛋白复合体(MCM)、复制源识别复合物(ORC)和Cdt1这四种蛋白质或蛋白质复合物是构成pre-RC的重要组分(图1)。

研究人员报道了在S.pombe中发现的一个全新pre-RC组分Sap1,它是pre-RC的装配过程中不可或缺的一个蛋白: 与ORC一样,Sap1在细胞生长周期中与DNA复制源结合,通过一系列的功能研究及X射线晶体学与NMR联合的结构功能研究表明,Sap1与通过其九个AT-钩状基序结合不对称AT富序列的ORC不同,Sap1优先结合5’-(A / T)nC / G(A / T)9-10G / C(A / T)n-3’,对于DNA起始复制源有一定的序列倾向性。



图1. 芽殖酵母DNA复制相关的pre-RC复合物组装示意图

图2. Sap1的DNA结合域晶体及其与复制源DNA识别作用示意图

图3. Sap1作为DNA复制源组件参与DNA起始复制示意图


Sap1 is a replication-initiation factor essential for the assembly of pre-replicative complex in the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe


A central step in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotes is the assembly of pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) at late M and early G1 phase of the cell cycles. Since 1973, four proteins or protein complexes, including cell division control protein 6 (Cdc6)/Cdc18, minichromosome maintenance protein complex, origin recognition complex (ORC), and Cdt1, are known components of the pre-RC. Previously, we reported that a non-ORC protein binds to the essential element Δ9 of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA-replication origin ARS3001. In this study, we identified that the non-ORC protein is Sap1. Like ORC, Sap1 binds to DNA origins during cell growth cycles. But unlike ORC, which binds to asymmetric AT-rich sequences through its nine AT-hook motifs, Sap1 preferentially binds to a DNA sequence of 5′-(A/T)n(C/G)(A/T)9–10(G/C)(A/T)n-3′ (n ≥ 1). We also found that Sap1 and ORC physically interact. We further demonstrated that Sap1 is required for the assembly of the pre-RC because of its essential role in recruiting Cdc18 to DNA origins. Thus, we conclude that Sap1 is a replication-initiation factor that directly participates in the assembly of the pre-RC. DNA-replication origins in fission yeast are defined by possessing two essential elements with one bound by ORC and the other by Sap1.


