
利用野生型菌株Wt01-23与StSte12基因的RNAi沉默突变体菌株StRNAi9-10和StRNAi3-6分析了转录因子基因StSte12对玉米大斑病菌氧化胁迫的调节能力。在不同浓度H2O2胁迫条件下,测定了野生型菌株和突变体菌株的菌落生长速度、菌丝形态、产孢量和菌丝萌发率。结果发现,随着H2O2浓度的增加,玉米大斑病菌野生型菌株和突变体菌株的菌落生长速度、产孢量和菌丝萌发率均显著降低,但突变体菌株的降低程度显著高于野生型菌株,表明StSte12基因对玉米大斑病菌的氧化应激调节具有重要的调控功能。 英文摘要: The ability oftranscription factor StSte12 regulating oxidative stress in Setosphaeria turcicawas studied with the wildtype Wt01-23 and RNAi mutants (StRNAi 9-10,StRNAi 3-6). Under the stress of H2O2, the colony growth rate, hyphal morphology, conidiation and mycelium germination of the three isolates were observed. The results has shown that the colony growth speed, conidiation and mycelium germinationare significantly inhibited for all the three isolates, but the inhibition efficiency of RNAi mutants are significantly higher than the wild type. The experimental results support the important regulation function of StSte12 on the oxidative stress of S. turcica.