微量元素尤其是Zn和Fe缺乏已经成为全球普遍性问题。提高粮食作物籽粒微量元素尤其是Zn和Fe浓度及其生物有效性对解决敏感人群微量元素缺乏的健康问题具有重要意义。对黄淮海区36个主推品种籽粒各微量和常量矿物质元素含量进行了分析,结果表明:籽粒Zn,Fe,Mn和Cu浓度变化范围分别为16.2~24.0, 17.7~32.9,3.3~7.4和1.1~2.4 mg/kg,其平均浓度分别为20.1,23.0,4.5和1.6 mg/kg,变异系数分别为10.3%,23.0%,23.9%和22.1%。Ca和Mg浓度范围分别为37.8~93.5 和1002.1~1357.4 mg/kg,平均浓度分别为68.3和1163.2 mg/kg,变异系数为25.3%和7.9%。N,K和P浓度范围分别为8.9~14.0,3.2~4.8和2.2~3.0 g/kg,平均浓度分别为11.5,3.9和2.6 g/kg,变异系数分别为12.4%,10.7%和8.3%。与美国农业部推荐的玉米籽粒Zn(22.1 mg/kg),Fe(27.1 mg/kg)浓度标准值(https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search)相比,仅有鲁单818籽粒Zn和Fe浓度同时达到推荐值。籽粒中60.2%~85.9%的P以植酸磷形态存在,并且与Zn和Fe均无相关性,Zn和Fe相关系数为0.238*,Zn和Fe同时与Mn,Mg和K呈现显著正相关关系,其中,Zn与Mg的相关系数最高(r=0.603***),Fe与Mn的相关系数最高(r=0.270**),表明玉米籽粒中Zn,Fe,Mn,Mg和K浓度提高的同时不会提高植酸P浓度,有利于提高籽粒Zn和Fe的生物有效性。
Micronutrients especially zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiencies are widespread nutritional disorders. It is, therefore, desirable to increase Fe and Zn concentrations and/or their bioavailability in edible portion of cereal grains for tackling the problem of micronutrient malnutrition. Concentrations of major elements in grains of 36 popularized maize varieties in Huanghuaihai Plain were determined in this study. Results showed that grain concentrations of Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ca and Mg ranged from 16.2 to 24.0, 17.7 to 32.9, 3.3 to 7.4, 1.1 to 2.4, 37.8 to 93.5 and 1002.1 to 1357.4 mg/kg and averaged 20.1, 23.0, 4.5, 1.6, 68.3 and 1163.2 mg/kg, respectively. The corresponding variable coefficients was 10.3%, 23.0%, 23.9%, 22.1%, 25.3% and 7.9%. The concentrations of N, K and P ranged from 8.9 to 14.0, 3.2 to 4.8 and 2.2 to 3.0 g/kg and averaged 11.5, 3.9, and 2.6 g/kg, respectively. The corresponding variable coefficients was 12.4%, 10.7% and 8.3%. Compared to the estimated values for Zn (22.1 mg/kg) and Fe (27.1 mg/kg) from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search), only the Ludan 818 with the two elements achieved the recommended values. Phytate-P, accounting for 60.2% to 85.9% of grain total P, had no relationships with both Zn and Fe. A weak but significant positive correlation between Zn and Fe was found (r = 0.238*). The two elements also significantly correlated with Mn, Mg and K, with the strongest correlations between Zn and Mg (r = 0.603***) as well as Fe and Mn (r = 0.270**). These results suggested that it is possibly to increase the concentrations of Zn, Fe, Mn, Mg and K without an increase in phytate-P simultaneously, resulting in a potentially improved bioavailability of Zn and Fe.