Plant Physiol:中科院东北地理所冯献忠研究组发表大豆株型遗传控

摘要 : 2017年3月23日,国际植物学顶级期刊《Plant Physiology》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所冯献忠研究组题为“GmILPA1, Encoding an anaphase-promoting complex-like Protein, affects Leaf Petiole Angle”的研究论文。

2017年3月23日,国际植物学顶级期刊《plant Physiology》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所冯献忠研究组题为“GmILPA1, Encoding an anaphase-promoting complex-like Protein, affects Leaf Petiole Angle”的研究论文。东北地理所博士高金珊为论文第一作者,冯献忠研究员、杨素欣研究员和教授马渐新为论文通讯作者。





GmILPA1, Encoding an APC8-like Protein, Controls Leaf Petiole Angle in Soybean


Leaf petiole angle is an important plant architectural trait that affects canopy coverage, photosynthetic efficiency, and ultimately productivity in many legume crops. However, the genetic basis underlying this trait remains unclear. Here, we report the identification, isolation, and functional characterization of Glycine max Increased Leaf Petiole Angle 1 (GmILPA1), a gene encoding an APC8-like protein, that is a subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) in soybean. A gamma ray-induced deletion of a fragment involving the 4th exon of GmILPA1 and its flanking sequences led to extension of the 3rd exon and formation of a novel 3'UTR from intronic and intergenic sequences. Such changes are responsible for enlarged leaf petiole angles that are associated with reduced motor cell proliferation in the Gmilpa1 mutant. GmILPA1 is mainly expressed in the basal cells of leaf primordia and appears to function by promoting cell growth and division of the pulvinus that is critical for its establishment. GmILPA1 directly interacts with GmAPC13a as part of the putative anaphase-promoting complex. GmILPA1 exhibits variable expression levels among varieties with different degrees of leaf petiole angles, and expression levels are correlated with the degrees of the leaf petiole angles. Together, these observations revealed a genetic mechanism modulating plant petiole angle that could pave the way for modifying soybean plant architecture with optimized petiole angles for enhanced yield potential.


