New Phytol:福建农大秦源课题组发表植物花序形态建成研究进展
2017年3月13日,国际著名植物学期刊《New Phytologist》在线发表了福建农林大学生命科学学院秦源教授研究中题为ERECTA signaling controls Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture through chromatin-mediated activation of PRE1 expression》的长文。博士生蔡汉阳和博士生赵丽华为共同第一作者,秦源教授为通讯作者。
ERECTA signaling controls ArABIdopsisinflorescence architecture through chromatin-mediated activation of PRE1expression
Flowering plants display a remarkable diversity in inflorescence architecture, and pedicel length is one of the key contributors to this diversity. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the receptor-like kinase ERECTA (ER) mediated signaling pathway plays important roles in regulating inflorescence architecture by promoting cell proliferation. However, the regulating mechanism remains elusive in the pedicel.