PLoS Pathogens:浙江大学叶恭银教授团队发现一种可调控昆虫性比的

摘要 : 2017年3月9日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了浙江大学农学院昆虫科学研究所叶恭银教授研究组美国密苏里大学宋齐生教授合作的题为“A novel negative-stranded RNA virus mediates sex ratio in its parasitoid host”的研究论文

2017年3月9日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了浙江大学农学院昆虫科学研究所叶恭银教授研究组美国密苏里大学宋齐生教授合作的题为“A novel negative-stranded RNA virus mediates sex ratio in its parasitoid host”的研究论文,博士生王飞和方琦博士为论文共同第一作者,叶恭银教授和宋齐生教授为论文通讯作者。

膜翅目昆虫寄生蜂是自然界及农业生态系统中的重要天敌,它能成功寄生并杀死害虫。寄生蜂通常会携带病毒或类病毒颗粒,以调控寄主害虫免疫反应及生长发育,而有关病毒对其宿主寄生蜂的性比调控则未见报道。叶恭银教授团队首次在寄生蜂蝶蛹金小蜂中发现一种新型负义单链RNA病毒PpNSRV-1,该病毒可通过减少雌性后代数量达到调控寄生蜂后代性比之目的。同时,由美国科学促进会AAAS主办的全球互联网新闻服务机构eurekAlert就该文研究成果以“Newly discovered virus affects sex ratio of insect-killing wasps”为题进行了专题报道。

研究发现,PpNSRV-1病毒全基因组大小为12,230 nt,包含5个非重叠且呈线性排列的开放阅读框。系统进化分析表明,PpNSRV-1病毒归为单分子负链RNA病毒目(Mononegavirales)Nyamiviridae科,并代表一个新的病毒属,此分类信息已经国际病毒分类委员会(ICTV)审定确认。PpNSRV-1病毒在蝶蛹金小蜂田间自然种群中的感染率为16.7-37.5%,分布于该多个组织器官及不同发育阶段,且通过垂直传播方式传递至寄生蜂后代。通过比较带毒和不带毒种群及RNA干扰验证,发现PpNSRV-1病毒能显著延长寄生蜂寿命并对寄生蜂成功寄生无显著影响。更为关键的是,该病毒能通过降低雌性后代数量来调控寄生蜂后代性比,与共生细菌调控昆虫性比的经典理论不同。该研究是首次报道病毒调控昆虫性比的案例。该研究结果对如何高效利用寄生蜂控制害虫,以及探究病毒与宿主协同进化关系均具有重要的学术参考价值。


A novel negative-stranded RNA virus mediates sex ratio in its parasitoid host


Parasitoid wasps are important natural enemies of arthropod hosts in natural and agricultural ecosystems and are often associated with viruses or virion-like particles. Here, we report a novel negative-stranded RNA virus from a parasitoid wasp (Pteromalus puparum). The complete viral genome is 12,230 nucleotides in length, containing five non-overlapping, linearly arranged open reading frames. Phylogenetically, the virus clusters with and is a novel member of the mononegaviral family Nyamiviridae, here designated as Pteromalus puparum negative-strand RNA virus 1 (PpNSRV-1). PpNSRV-1 is present in various tissues and life stages of the parasitoid wasp, and is transmitted vertically through infected females and males. Virus infections in field populations of P. puparum wasps ranged from 16.7 to 37.5%, without linearly correlating with temperature. PpNSRV-1 increased adult longevity and impaired several fitness parameters of the wasp, but had no influence on successful parasitism. Strikingly, PpNSRV-1 mediated the offspring sex ratio by decreasing female offspring numbers. RNA interference knockdown of virus open reading frame I eliminated these PpNSRV-1-induced effects. Thus, we infer that PpNSRV-1 has complex effects on its insect host including sex ratio distortion towards males, as well as possible mutualistic benefits through increasing wasp longevity.


