
为探究大田条件下化控剂对玉米生长发育的影响,以东农253为试验材料,在玉米9叶期喷施密高和KP(主要成分DCPTA和ETH)。在玉米抽雄前十天(7月10日)、抽雄吐丝期(7月22日)、灌浆初期(8月1日)、乳熟期(8月25日)和完熟期(9月25日)测定叶片光合酶活,内源激素及茎秆力学特性参数,并进行测产及相关性分析。结果表明:喷施密高和KP后叶片SPAD、Pn、RuBPc和PEPc显著提高,增加叶片IAA、GA和ZR含量并降低ABA含量;单位节间长度干物重、穿刺强度、横折强度和田间致倒伏推力有所增大,降低扁率及籽粒含水量,密高和KP处理下产量分别增加6.47%和9.23%。相关性分析表明:除ABA含量与产量成显著负相关外,光合和其它激素指标成显著正相关,PEPc、RuBPc、SPAD、Pn、IAA、GA及ZR与产量成显著正相关,ABA含量与产量成显著负相关,研究为田间玉米化控增产奠定了基础。 英文摘要: The research was to explore the effects of plant growth regulators on the growth of maize under field conditions. Dong Nong 253, hybrid maize, was chose as experimental material. Two plant growth regulators, Mi Gao and KP (the main ingredients were DCPTA and ETH) were sprayed on maize leaf on 9-leaf stage, and the water was control. The leaf photosynthetic enzyme activity, mechanical properties of stem and leaf endogenous hormone contents were measured at the stage which before ten days of corn heading (July 10), heading silking stage (July 22), early filling (August 1), milk stage (August 25) and ripening period (September 25 day), and the yield measurement and correlation analysis were also been conducted. The results showed Mi Gao and KP treatment increased leaf SPAD、Pn、Rubpc and PEPc. Also two plant growth regulators increased leaf IAA, GA and ZR content and reduced ABA content. Simultaneously improved the dry weight per unit length, puncture strength, transverse fold strength, thrust, also reduce the oblateness and grain water content. The yield of Mi Gao content and KP content were higher than those of CK, which was increased by 6.47% and 9.23%. There is a significant positive correlation between PEPc, RuBPc, SPAD, Pn, IAA, GA, and ZR and yield, and negative correlation between ABA and yield. This research will laid the foundation of the high-yield maize in field.