
种质创新是链接种质资源和育种的关键环节,玉米种质创新在玉米育种中发挥着重要作用。本文对基于野生近缘植物、地方品种、外来群体、杂交种和自交系的玉米种质创新进展进行了评述,并对今后我国玉米种质创新发展方向进行了展望。 英文摘要: Germplasm enhancement is the key link between germplasm resources and plant breeding. It has also played an important role in maize breeding. The paper reviews the advances in germplasm enhancement of maize based on its wild relatives, landraces, exotic populations, hybrids and inbreds. Directions and main tasks of germplasm enhancement of maize in China in the near future are also proposed. 查看全文