The Plant Journal:中科院武汉植物园章焰生研究组解析野葛特有成分
2017年2月16日,国际植物学权威期刊《The plant Journal》在线发表了中国科学院武汉植物园章焰生研究组的一篇研究论文,研究揭开葛根素分子碳糖苷如何形成的神秘面纱。工作人员王欣与李长福为论文共同第一作者,章焰生研究员为论文通讯作者。
研究组通过常规植物化学技术首先明确了葛根素分子的合成场所主要是在野葛植物的根部细胞,并在根部细胞中长期储存;利用高通量RNA测序技术,该研究团队从野葛植物中共分离100多种糖基转移酶基因,并借助荧光定量PCR分析手段,发现了其中有22种糖基转移酶基因在野葛植物的根中特异合成;围绕上述22种糖基转移酶基因,利用生物化学以及分子生物学研究手段,他们成功地发现了其中一种命名为PlUGT43 的基因控制了葛根素分子碳糖苷的形成,PlUGT43 基因目前只在野葛植物中检测到,而搜索其它豆科植物均未发现有任何的PlUGT43的同源基因,这也许可以解释了为什么葛根素只在野葛植物中合成的原因。有意思的是该研究团队将PlUGT43 基因转入豆科作物大豆中,最终发现转基因大豆也具备了合成葛根素的能力。随着合成生物学技术的发展以及PlUGT43 基因的发现,相信不久的未来人工体外生物合成制备葛根素将成为可能。
图:PlUGT43 催化了葛根素碳糖苷基团的形成
molecular characterization of the C-glucosylation for puerarin biosynthesis inPueraria lobata
C-glycosyltransferases (CGTs) are important enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of the C-glycosides of flavonoids and isoflavonoids. Flavonoid CGTs have been molecularly characterized from several plant species; however, to date, no gene encoding an isoflavonoid CGT has been reported from any plant species. A significant example of an isoflavonoid C-glycoside is puerarin, a compound that contributes to the major medicinal effects of Pueraria lobata. Knowledge regarding the C-glucosylation that occurs during puerarin biosynthesis remains scant. One possible route for the puerarin synthesis is via the C-glucosylation of daidzein. This study describes the molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel glucosyltransferase (PlUGT43) from P. lobata. Biochemical analyses revealed that PlUGT43 possesses an activity for the C-glucosylation of daidzein to puerarin; it shows activity with the isoflavones, daidzein and genistein, but displays no activity towards other potential acceptors, including flavonoids. To validate the in vivofunction of PlUGT43, the PlUGT43 gene was over-expressed in soybean hairy roots that naturally synthesize daidzein but that do not produce puerarin. The expression of PlUGT43 led to the production of puerarin in the transgenic soybean hairy roots, confirming a role of PlUGT43 in puerarin biosynthesis.