以国审玉米品种京农科728(国审玉2012003)为试验材料,在北京通州设置6月5日、6月10日、6月15日、6月20日和6月25日共5个播期处理,以及60000株/hm2、67500株/hm2、75000株/hm2、82500株/hm2和90000株/hm2共5个密度处理,研究播期和密度对玉米籽粒机收主要性状的影响。结果表明:(1)不同播期条件下试验品种京农科728产量介于6723.0-7972.5 kg/hm2,其中6月10-20日播期条件下均达7500 kg/hm2以上,并且籽粒机收主要质量指标(籽粒含水率、杂质率、破碎率)均达到国家玉米机收籽粒标准;不同密度条件下,以75000株/hm2密度处理机收籽粒产量最高,籽粒含水率25.7%且破碎率和杂质率较低,达到国家玉米机收籽粒标准。(2)试验品种京农科728具有良好的播期适应性,在5个播期处理条件下均能正常成熟,生育期随播期推迟呈缩短趋势;随种植密度增加,其生育期呈延长趋势。(3)株高和穗位高性状随播期推迟及种植密度增加呈升高趋势,倒伏率随播期推迟呈降低趋势,但随种植密度增加呈升高趋势。试验表明:播期和密度与玉米籽粒机收性状密切相关,京农科728在北京夏播以6月10-20日为最佳播期、75000株/hm2为最佳密度,在该条件下机收籽粒含水率、杂质率和破碎率等指标可达到国家玉米机收籽粒标准,可实现籽粒直接机械收获。
Field experiment was conducted with five sowing dates (June 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th) and five planting densities (60000, 67500, 75000, 82500and 90000 plant/hm2) by using national registered maize cultivar Jingnongke728 at Tongzhou research station of Maize Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture Forestry Sciences, in order to illustrate the effects of sowing date and planting density on maize grain mechanical harvesting related traits. The results showed that (1)The yield of Jingnongke728 was 6723.0-7972.5 kg/hm2 under different sowing date conditions, and exceeded 7500 kg/hm2 during June 10-20th sowing treatments with the grain mechanical harvesting quality reaching the national standard; the yield under different planting densities was highest under 75000 plant/hm2, with the grain moisture content of 25.7%, the grain broken rate and impurity rate was relatively lower, which reaching the national maize grain mechanical harvesting standard. (2)Jingnongke728 could mature normally under different sowing conditions, and the growth period shortened with the delay of sowing date, but delayed with the increase of planting density. (3)The plant height and ear height of Jingnongke728 were increased with the delay of sowing date and the increasing of planting density; the lodging rate was decreased with the delay of sowing date, but increased with the increasing of planting density. Thus, sowing date and planting density were closely related with maize grain mechanical harvesting traits. Jingnongke728 can realize grain mechanical harvesting production with sowing during June 10-20th and planting with 75000 plant/hm2 in Beijing summer-cultivated conditions.