The Plant Cell:农科院曹立勇研究组和王国梁研究组合作揭示水稻细

摘要 : 2017年1月18日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了中国农业科学院水稻研究所曹立勇课题组和植保所王国梁研究员课题组合作完成的题为“OsCUL3a Negatively Regulates Cell Death and Immunity by Degrading OsNPR1 in Rice”的科研论文

2017年1月18日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The plant Cell》在线发表了中国农业科学院水稻研究所曹立勇课题组和植保所王国梁研究员课题组合作完成的题为“OsCUL3a Negatively Regulates Cell Death and Immunity by Degrading OsNPR1 in Rice”的科研论文,论文揭示了水稻细胞程序性死亡(Programmed cell death, PCD)和免疫调控的新机制。博士研究生刘群恩、宁约瑟副研究员和张迎信副研究员是文章的共同第一作者,曹立勇研究员、程式华研究员以及王国梁研究员为共同通讯作者。




OsCUL3a Negatively Regulates Cell Death and Immunity by Degrading OsNPR1 in Rice


Cullin3-based RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRL3), composed of Cullin3 (CUL3), RBX1, and BTB proteins, are involved in plant immunity but the function of CUL3 in the process is largely unknown. Here, we show that rice OsCUL3a is important for the regulation of cell death and immunity. The rice lesion mimic mutant oscul3a displays a significant increase in the accumulation of flg22- and chitin-induced reactive oxygen species, and in pathogenesis-related gene expression as well as resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. We cloned the OsCUL3a gene via a map-based strategy and found that the lesion mimic phenotype of oscul3a is associated with the early termination of OsCUL3a protein. Interaction assays showed that OsCUL3a interacts with both OsRBX1a and OsRBX1b to form a multi-subunit CRL in rice. Strikingly, OsCUL3a interacts with and degrades OsNPR1, which acts as a positive regulator of cell death in rice. Accumulation of OsNPR1 protein is greater in the oscul3a mutant than in the wild type. Furthermore, the oscul3a osnpr1 double mutant does not exhibit the lesion mimic phenotype of the oscul3a mutant. Our data demonstrate that OsCUL3a negatively regulates cell death and immunity by degrading OsNPR1 in rice.


