PLoS Pathogens:中科院微生物所钱韦研究组发现植物病原细菌有“智

摘要 : 2016年12月31日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了中国科学院微生物所钱韦研究组题为“Two-Component Signaling System VgrRS Directly Senses Extracytoplasmic and Intracellular Iron to Control Bacterial Adaptation under Iron Depleted Stress”的研究论文

2016年12月31日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了中国科学院微生物所钱韦研究组题为“Two-Component Signaling System VgrRS Directly Senses Extracytoplasmic and Intracellular Iron to Control Bacterial Adaptation under Iron Depleted Stress”的研究论文,论文报道了植物病原细菌能感知并统筹控制细胞铁平衡。微生物所助理研究员王莉博士是该论文的第一作者,钱韦研究员为论文通讯作者。


虽说铁是地壳中总含量排名第四的丰富元素,但对于病原细菌而言,当其侵入到动、植物寄主体内时,却经常会面临事关生死的缺铁环境:原来寄主为了控制感染蔓延,会通过产生小分子化合物、载铁蛋白等多种方式,螯合体内的铁并将其“藏”起来,造成铁极度匮乏的环境,从而抑制病原微生物生长和繁殖。比如说,患有慢性感染的病人往往并发缺铁性贫血,就是由于铁被超量螯合后,不但病原微生物会缺铁而生长缓慢,同时人体自身也无法获得足够多的铁,使得血红素含量下降所致。因此,病原细菌为了攫取足量的铁,一方面必须将寄主体内的铁“争抢”到手并运输进入细菌细胞内,以供生存所需。另一方面,当“抢”到的铁积累得足够多时,又必须尽快停止上述过程,避免 “铁吃撑了”而对自身产生毒害作用。那么,一个有趣的科学问题是:细菌是一类“简单的”单细胞生物,既无神经系统又不掌握现代化学分析技术,它们如何感知细胞内外铁浓度的高低,正确应对,从而在与寄主免疫系统残酷的生存斗争中取得压倒性优势?





Two-Component Signaling System VgrRS Directly Senses Extracytoplasmic and IntraCellular Iron to Control Bacterial Adaptation under Iron Depleted Stress


Both iron starvation and excess are detrimental to cellular life, especially for animal and plant pathogens since they always live in iron-limited environments produced by host immune responses. However, how organisms sense and respond to iron is incompletely understood. Herein, we reveal that in the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris, VgrS (also named ColS) is a membrane-bound receptor histidine kinase that senses extracytoplasmic iron limitation in the periplasm, while its cognate response regulator, VgrR, detects intracellular iron excess. Under iron-depleted conditions, dissociation of Fe3+from the periplasmic sensor region of VgrS activates the VgrS autophosphorylation and subsequent phosphotransfer to VgrR (ColR), an OmpR-family transcription factor that regulates bacterial responses to take up iron. VgrR-VgrS regulon and the consensus DNA binding motif of the transcription factor VgrR were dissected by comparative proteomic and ChIP-seq analyses, which revealed that in reacting to iron-depleted environments, VgrR directly or indirectly controls the expressions of hundreds of genes that are involved in various physiological cascades, especially those associated with iron-uptake. Among them, we demonstrated that the phosphorylated VgrR tightly represses the transcription of a special TonB-dependent receptor gene, tdvA. This regulation is a critical prerequisite for efficient iron uptake and bacterial virulence since activation of tdvA transcription is detrimental to these processes. When the intracellular iron accumulates, the VgrR-Fe2+ interaction dissociates not only the binding between VgrR and the tdvA promoter, but also the interaction between VgrR and VgrS. This relieves the repression in tdvA transcription to impede continuous iron uptake and avoids possible toxic effects of excessive iron accumulation. Our results revealed a signaling system that directly senses both extracytoplasmic and intracellular iron to modulate bacterial iron homeostasis.


