
玉米螟是危害玉米的主要害虫之一,本文总结了玉米对咀嚼式口器害虫的抗虫机制,玉米的抗虫性与丁布含量、蛋白质种类及含量、蛋白酶抑制剂、植物组织或器官硬化程度等多种因素相关。同时综述了玉米对四种主要害虫抗虫数量性状位点QTL的研究进展,将这些QTL与目前已知的抗虫相关基因和经过全基因组关联分析(GWAS)获得的候选基因进行了对比,并对重叠基因进行了分析介绍,为进一步探索玉米抗虫相关基因提供了理论依据,对培育抗虫玉米有一定的参考价值。 英文摘要: Corn borer is the major pest in maize production. The maize insect resistant mechanism of chewing pest was summaried in this paper. The insect resistance is related to DIMBOA content, defence proteins, protease inhibitors, the hardness of plant tissue or organ, and so on. The known quantitative trait loci (QTL)to control different type corn borers were further summarized and analyzed, especially the overlap region with insect-resisant QTLs and candidate genes was paid more attention. The candidate genes with insect-resistance in miaze were further described briefly. These works provide theoretical basis for exploring the insect-resistant genes and are helpful to insect resistant of maize breeding. 查看全文