
利用人工智能温室研究了结实期高温胁迫(35℃)对糯玉米籽粒发育和内源激素含量的影响。结果表明,结实期高温胁迫降低了籽粒鲜重和干重,高温胁迫下较低的含水率表明籽粒灌浆进程加快。高温胁迫加快了果皮中淀粉体的降解速度,胚乳细胞中淀粉体充实提前,淀粉积累加速,但持续积累时间缩短,成熟期淀粉含量低于常温。与常温相比,高温胁迫增加了籽粒中ABA和GA3含量,IAA、CTK和Z含量前期增加,后期降低。这种内源激素含量的变化可部分解释高温胁迫下淀粉积累提前但持续时间缩短的原因。 英文摘要: The effects of heat stress after pollination on grain development and endogenous hormone content of waxy maize were studied in the intelligent greenhouse. The results indicated that heat stress decreased grain dry and fresh weight, and lower water content in grains indicated that the grain filling rate was accelerated. The degradation rate of amyloplast in pericarp was accelerated by heat stress, the filling of amyloplast in endosperm was advanced and the accumulation rate of starch was accelerated, while the time of duration was shortened, and the starch content at maturity under heat stress was lower than its counterpart under ambient environment. Compared with plant growing under ambient temperature, heat stress increased the ABA and GA3 content, while IAA, CTK and Z content in grain was increased earlier and decreased later, respectively. In conclusion, the change of those endogenous hormone content in grain maybe partial interpretated the starch accumulation aheaded and duration shortened under heat stress during grain filling.