
本试验以紧凑高抗玉米品种中单909为试验材料,设置67500株/hm2种植密度,研究了3种不同类型化控剂“增产胺”、“吨田宝”及“DA-6”对玉米产量及生长发育的影响。结果表明:喷施3种不同类型化控剂均可提高玉米籽粒产量,其中“增产胺”和“吨田宝”的增产最为显著,其次为“DA-6”,较对照分别增产6.9%、6.6%和2.7%;化控剂处理对行粒数和穗长影响不明显,但明显缩短了秃尖长度,“增产胺”、“吨田宝”、“DA-6”分别较对照缩短了23.9%、16.6%和28.3%;喷施“增产胺”同时增加穗粒数和千粒重从而提高产量,“吨田宝”主要是增加玉米穗粒数而增加产量,而“DA-6”主要是提高玉米的千粒重而增产;“增产胺”与“吨田宝”处理后收获指数均明显高于对照,“DA-6”处理后收获指数与对照差异不显著。与对照处理(清水)相比,化控处理后叶面积指数、各生育期生物总量均明显增加,但对叶片SPAD值的影响存在差异,“增产胺”和“吨田宝”均提高穗位叶的SPAD值,“DA-6”对穗位叶“SPAD”值的影响不显著;在本试验条件下,“增产胺”和“吨田宝”均显著提高了中单909籽粒产量,主要原因是这两种化控剂施用后明显增强了源的生产能力及物质运转效率,改善了玉米产量构成要素。 英文摘要: Effects of spraying 3 chemical regulators on yield and growth of Zhongdan909 were studied under planting densities of 67500 plants/ha .The results showed that the chemical control agent improved grain yield of maize in different degrees, and the treatments with “Zengchanan” and “Duntianbao” were significant enhanced, followed by the “DA-6”, increased 6.9%, 6.6% and 2.7 % higher than the control plants respectively. There is no difference in kernels per row and ear length between chemical regulator treatment and CK (water-treatment) ,but the bald tip length was significant shorten in chemical regulator treatments than CK, that were shortened 23.9%, 16.6% and 28.3%; The yield with sparing chemical “Zengchanan” was increased by kernels per spike and 1000-kernel weight, while “Duntianbao”and DA-6 were increased separately by kernels per spike and 1000-kernel weight. The harvest index were significant higher in “Zengchanan” and “Duntianbao” chemical regulator treatments significantly than the CK, which spraying DA-6 was not significantly. Compared with the control treatment (water), the leaf area index and the total amount of biological growth period of maize were increased by spraying chemical regulators, but the SPAD value of ear leaf was increased at “Zengchanan ”and “DunTianbao” treatments, the treatment with “DA-6” was not significant. In conclusion, the yield of Zhongdan909 was improved significantly at“Zengchanan ”and “DunTianbao” treatments, mainly due to the source production capacity and matter transport efficiency were enhanced and the yield components of maize was improved under the conditions of present experiment.