Nucleic Acids Res:北京生科院赵方庆研究组提出基因组重复区域组装

摘要 : 2016年12月6日,国际核酸类重要学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》杂志在线发表了中国科学院北京生命科学研究院计算基因组学实验室赵方庆团队题为The combination of direct and paired link graphs can boost repetitive genome assembly 的最新研究成果。

2016年12月6日,国际核酸类重要学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》杂志在线发表了中国科学院北京生命科学研究院计算基因组学实验室赵方庆团队题为The combination of direct and paired link graphs can boost repetitive genome assembly 的最新研究成果。该研究基于序列重叠部分构建了contig的直接连接信息图,并在其配对连接信息的帮助下,解决了由短片段重复序列造成的基因组拼接碎片化问题,在保证准确性的前提下延伸了序列的长度,获得了更完整、间隙更少的基因组序列。赵方庆课题组的史文聿和冀培丰为论文共同第一作者,赵方庆研究员为论文通讯作者。





The combination of direct and paired link graphs can boost repetitive genome asseMBLy


Currently, most paired link based scaffolding algorithms intrinsically mask the sequences between two linked contigs and bypass their direct link information embedded in the original de Bruijn assembly graph. Such disadvantage substantially complicates the scaffolding process and leads to the inability of resolving repetitive contig assembly. Here we present a novel algorithm, inGAP-sf, for effectively GENErating high-quality and continuous scaffolds. inGAP-sf achieves this by using a new strategy based on the combination of direct link and paired link graphs, in which direct link is used to increase graph connectivity and to decrease graph complexity and paired link is employed to supervise the traversing process on the direct link graph. Such advantage greatly facilitates the assembly of short-repeat enriched regions. Moreover, a new comprehensive decision model is developed to eliminate the noise routes accompanying with the introduced direct link. Through extensive evaluations on both simulated and real datasets, we demonstrated that inGAP-sf outperforms most of the genome scaffolding algorithms by generating more accurate and continuous assembly, especially for short repetitive regions.

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1191

