
以马齿型玉米杂交种郑单958(郑58*昌7-2)、辽单565(中106*辽3162)、硬粒型玉米杂交种先玉335(Ph6wc*Ph4cv)为试材,通过2013-2015在辽宁地区进行杂交制种。在授粉后35天后每隔3天不同收获期采集果穗.对不同品种、不同收获期种子籽粒水分、百粒重、标准发芽率、人工加速老化、冷发芽及田间出苗率进行比较研究以评价种子活力。结果表明:在辽宁地区制种,辽单565在授粉后44-53天收获的种子能够达到较高的活力水平。郑单958在授粉后47-56天收获能够达到较高的活力水平。先玉335在授粉后44-56天收获能够达到较高的活力水平。比目前生产收获期提前10 天左右收获,可有效回避天气灾害对玉米种子质量的影响。 英文摘要: A maize production experiment was carried out with the dent maize hybrids Zhengdan958 (Zheng58/Cang7-2),Liaodan565(Zhong106/Liao3162) and the fliet maize hybrids Xianyu335(Ph6wc/Ph4cv) in liaoning province from 2013 to 2015.Taken samples every 3 days started from 35 days after pollination. To evaluate the seed vigor,We compared the kernel moisture、100-seed weight、standard germination tests、accelerated aging germination、cold test and field investigations with the three different breeds and different maturation stages. The result indicated that the suitable harvest period for high vigor seed of liaodan 565 is 44-53 days after pollination, zhengdan958 is 47-56 days after pollination ,Xianyu335 is 44-56 days after pollination in the Liaoning seed production area. About 10 days before usual harvesting to prevent frost damage on seed quality in Liaoning。