J Exp Bot:中科院植物所庞永珍研究组发表类黄酮糖基化机制研究新

摘要 : 2016年11月18日,国际植物学知名刊物《Journal of Experimental Botany》上在线发表了中国科学院植物研究所庞永珍研究组的一篇研究论文,研究以类黄酮含量丰富的茶叶和百脉根为研究对象,对类黄酮未知生物合成机理,特别是类黄酮糖基化的分子机制展开研究。

2016年11月18日,国际植物学知名刊物《Journal of Experimental Botany》上在线发表了中国科学院植物研究所庞永珍研究组的一篇研究论文,研究以类黄酮含量丰富的茶叶和百脉根为研究对象,对类黄酮未知生物合成机理,特别是类黄酮糖基化的分子机制展开研究。庞永珍研究组博士毕业生尹青岗分别为2篇论文的第一作者,庞永珍研究员为论文通讯作者。




A.百脉根和拟南芥所有UGT蛋白的进化关系分析。B. 三个UGT重组蛋白以不同黄酮醇为底物的催化反应示意图。C. 过量表达UGT基因的拟南芥幼苗(上图)和种子中(下图)黄酮醇的含量分析


Involvement of three putative glucosyltransferases from the UGT72 family in flavonol glucoside/rhamnoside biosynthesis inLotus japonicus seeds


Flavonols are one of the largest groups of flavonoids that confer benefits for the health of plants and animals. Flavonol glycosides are the predominant flavonoids present in the model legume Lotus japonicus. The molecular mechanisms underlying the biosynthesis of flavonol glycosides as yet remain unknown in L. japonicus. In the present study, we identified a total of 188 UDP-glycosyltransferases (UGTs) in L. japonicus by genome-wide searching. Notably, 12 UGTs from the UGT72 family were distributed widely among L. japonicus chromosomes, expressed in all tissues, and showed different docking scores in an in silico BioInformatics docking analysis. Further enzymatic assays showed that five recombinant UGTs (UGT72AD1, UGT72AF1, UGT72AH1, UGT72V3, and UGT72Z2) exhibit activity toward flavonol, flavone, and isoflavone aglycones. In particular, UGT72AD1, UGT72AH1, and UGT72Z2 are flavonol-specific UGTs with different kinetic properties. In addition, the overexpression of UGT72AD1and UGT72Z2 led to increased accumulation of flavonol rhamnosides in L. japonicus and Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, the increase of kaempferol 3-O-rhamnoside-7-O-rhamnoside in transgenic A. thaliana inhibited root growth as compared with the wild-type control. These results highlight the significance of the UGT72 family in flavonol glycosylation and the role of flavonol rhamnosides in plant growth.


