灌溉量对新疆滴灌密植高产(≥15000 kg/hm2)春玉米光合特性及产量的影响

通过设置不同灌溉量处理,研究新疆滴灌高产春玉米(≥15000 kg/hm2)灌溉量对其光合特性,叶片水分利用效率和产量的影响。以当地高产玉米灌溉量为对照(T4),设置四个灌量水平为4200 m3/hm2(T1)、4800 m3/hm2(T2)、5400 m3/hm2(T3)和6000 m3/hm2(T4)。结果表明,随灌溉量减少幅度的增大,光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、叶面积指数明显下降,叶片水分利用效率提高,且在吐丝期更敏感,胞间CO2浓度呈上升趋势;不同品种的产量随灌溉量的变化结果存在差异,常规灌溉量(6000 m3/hm2)降低10%时,先玉335和 KWS3564的产量显著降低(5.82%~7.25%),郑单958无明显变化,但均具有相对较高的水分生产率,综合比较,该灌溉水平(5400 m3/hm2)适宜在该地区推广。 英文摘要: Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation on photosynthetic characteristics 、water use efficiency (WUE) and yield of spring maize under the condition of drip irrigation and high planting density in Xinjiang . Four treatments were installed, i. e. ,the different levels of irrigation were designed as 4200 m3/hm2 (T1), 4800 m3/hm2 (T2), 5400 m3/hm2 (T3) and 6000 m3/hm2 (T4). The results showed that with the decreasing of irrigation photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf area index decreased significantly while the leaves" WUE increased. And the phenomenon was more significant in the duration of tasseling stage. The grain yield did not decrease significantly when the irrigation quantity was 90% of normal irrigation. So the irrigation quantity of 5400 m3/hm2 was reasonable for maize growth in this region.