磷是玉米生长发育中所必需的大量元素之一,其种子中富含大量的植酸磷,植酸磷不能被单胃动物(猪、鸡等)吸收,因其体内缺乏消耗植酸磷的植酸酶,以动物粪尿的形式排出体外,造成大量的土壤和水体磷污染。结果表明,不同杂交种玉米各营养器官磷素分配与籽粒植酸磷浓度及其积累量存在基因型差异,郑单958 和浚单20 相对植酸磷浓度低,分别1.57g.kg-1和1.59g.kg-1,在实际生产中可以推广植酸磷含量相对较低的玉米品种。籽粒中植酸磷占总磷的比例平均值为56%,其中永玉2号最高,约为62%,浚单20和郑单958较低,约为49%。不同基因型玉米各部位磷浓度、积累量与籽粒植酸磷浓度完熟期存在相关性,其上部叶、下部叶、苞叶、穗轴、籽粒的磷浓度;茎秆、上部叶、下部叶、苞叶、穗轴、籽粒的磷积累量与籽粒的植酸磷积累量均达到显著水平(p<0.05)。本研究从生理方面为进一步减少玉米植酸磷污染提供了重要的科学依据和有效方法,也降低了经济成本。
Phosphorus(P) is one of the major elements of maize growth and development necessary for corn. The maize seeds rich in a lot of phytate, which cann’t absorbed by mono-gastric animals (pigs, chickens, etc.) for it lacks of phytate. The phytic acid phosphorus in the form of animal manure excreted into the environment. And it caused a lot phosphorus resources waste. The study of low phytic acid phosphorus corn has important significance. In this paper, there are sixteen major varieties of corn in North China. Study on the relationship between different genotype maize phosphorus distribution and grain phytic acid phosphorus accumulation, the difference forms of phosphorus content and accumulation during the ripe period and the differences between different parts. The results showed that there are differences between the maize organs phosphorus distribution and grain phytic acid phosphorus content and accumulation of different maize hybrids. The concentration of Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20 is the lowest, 1.57g.kg-1 and 1.59g.kg-1 respectively. In the actual production, we can expand the low phytate content of corn varieties. The average ratio of AP-P to total P in grain was 56 percent; the Yongyu 2 was the highest which was 62 percent; Xundan20 and Zhengdan958 were the lowest which was 49 percent, respectively. There was correlation relationship between the different maize genotypes various parts of phosphorus concentration and accumulation and grain phytic acid phosphorus concentration during the ripe period. The phosphorus concentration of upper-leave, lower-leave, husk-leave, cob and seed and the phosphorus accumulation of stem and upper-leave, lower-leave, husk-leave, cob and seed were significant levels (p