
东北春玉米主产区,玉米穗期易遭遇阴雨天气,导致光照严重不足,玉米大面积倒伏甚至绝产现象时有发生。在大田条件下,研究耐密型玉米品种中单909(ZD909)和非耐密型玉米品种丹玉405(DY405)穗期不同遮荫条件下(自然光照为S0,遮荫44%为S1,遮荫66%为S2)玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力与产量的关系。结果表明,穗期遮荫后,两类玉米品种株高和穗位高度升高;茎基部茎节单位长度干重、穿刺强度、压碎强度、折断力度、产量和穗粒数均随遮荫程度的加重而减小,且非耐密型品种下降幅度大于耐密型品种;随弱光胁迫程度的增加,非耐密型品种倒伏率明显高于耐密型品种,说明非耐密型品种较耐密型品种对弱光反应敏感,同时千粒重和结实率下降也是导致非耐密型品种产量大幅降低的重要原因。 英文摘要: The maize in the northeast spring maize is easy to encounter rainy weather, which leads to a serious shortage of light and large area of lodging and even without yield of maize occurs frequently. The relationships between stalk lodging resistance and yield of dense resistant variety ZD909 and non-dense resistant variety DY405 were studied under the natural light (S0), 44% shade (S1) and 66% shade (S2) in the field conditions. The results showed that the plant height and ear position of the two kinds of maize variety both increased after shading in the ear period; the dry weight of stalk basal internodes per unit length, puncture strength, crushing strength, breaking strength, yield and the number of spike grain decreased with the increase of the shade degree, and the decreasing degree of non-dense resistant variety was higher than that of the dense resistant variety; the lodging rate of non-dense resistant variety was significantly higher than that of dense resistant variety with the increase of weak light stress, which indicated that the reaction of non-dense resistant variety to weak light stress was more sensitive, and the decline of 1000-grain weight and seed setting rate were the key reason for sharply yield decrease of non-dense resistant variety.