Nucleic Acids Res:农科院油料所张秀荣研究组创建植物微卫星DNA发掘
近日,国际核酸类重要学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》杂志在线发表了中国农业科学院油料所芝麻与特色油料遗传育种创新团队张秀荣研究员的一篇研究论文,研究论文报道了植物微卫星DNA及其标记开发数据库PMDBase。该数据库的创建和共享将为全球作物功能基因组学和分子育种研究提供全面的、便利的基础平台。于景印博士为论文第一作者,张秀荣研究员为论文通讯作者。
PMDBase: a database for studying microsatellite DNA and marker development in plants
Microsatellite DNAs (or SSRs) are important genomic components involved in many important biological functions. SSRs have been extensively exploited as molecular markers for diverse applications including genetic diversity, linkage/association mapping of gene/QTL, marker-assisted selection, variety identification and evolution analysis. However, a comprehensive database or web service for studying microsatellite DNAs and marker development in plants is lacking. Here, we developed a database, PMDBase, which integrates large amounts of microsatellite DNAs from genome sequenced plant species and includes a web service for microsatellite DNAs identification. In PMDBase, 26 230 099 microsatellite DNAs were identified spanning 110 plant species. Up to three pairs of primers were supplied for every microsatellite DNA. For 81 species, genomic features of the microsatellite DNAs (genic or non-genic) were supplied with the corresponding genes or transcripts from public databases. Microsatellite DNAs can be explored through browsing and searching modules with a user-friendly web interface and customized software. Furthermore, we developed MISAweb and embedded Primer3web to help users to identify microsatellite DNAs and design corresponding primers in their own genomic sequences online. All datasets of microsatellite DNAs can be downloaded conveniently. PMDBase will be updated regularly with new available genome data and can be accessed freely via the address