水分是限制春玉米可持续生产的重要条件,依托4年田间定位试验,以平展型传统品种酒单4号(JD4)和紧凑型高产品种先玉335(XY335)为试验材料,设半膜平作(HM) 和全膜双垄沟(DFM)两种地膜覆膜方式,配套4.5万株/hm2(4.5)和9.0万株/hm2(9.0)两种种植密度,研究黄土旱塬区不同栽培模式下不同类型春玉米对土壤水分变化及对春玉米产量的影响,评价不同栽培模式下春玉米农田可持续生产水分持续性。结果表明:品种和不同栽培模式互作效应对春玉米产量有显著影响,春玉米生育关键期降水对各处理收获土壤水分影响明显,降水不能满足春玉米生长发育需要时,春玉米会对60cm土层以下水分产生透支性消耗,遇到连续干旱年份,则会导致春玉米60-160cm主要根区土壤含水量降低;在试验相同覆膜及品种条件下,随种植密度增加,玉米产量显著增加;相同密度及品种条件下,DFM覆膜产量优于HM覆膜;相同密度及覆膜模式条件下,紧凑型高产品种产量较平展型传统品种显著增加;DFM覆膜和紧凑型高产品种在9.0万株/hm2种植密度下有较高产量,同时对休闲期降水补给困难的140cm以下深层土壤水分有剧烈消耗,对土壤水分年际平衡和玉米可持续发展不利,平展型传统品种在不同栽培模式下产量较低,消耗水分深度较浅,易于得到休闲期降水补给恢复。
Water is one of the important conditions, restricted the sustainable production of spring maize field location test, based on four years with traditional flat type varieties Jiudan 4 (JD4) and compact high yield Xianyu 335 (XY335) as the experimental material, the first set and half film mulching (HM) and whole field plastic mulching (DFM), form a complete set of 45000 plants/hm2 (4.5) and 90000 plants/hm2 two planting density (9.0), the loess HanYuan area of different types of spring maize under different cultivation mode on the soil moisture change and influence on spring maize yield, evaluation of spring maize under different cultivation mode of farmland sustainable production water sustainability. Results show that the varieties and different cultivation mode interaction effect has a significant effect on spring maize yield, harvest of spring maize growth stage precipitation of various treatments in soil water effect obviously, precipitation can\&\#39\;t meet the needs of the growth and development of spring maize, spring maize can under 60 cm soil moisture have overdraft consumption, continuous dry years, 60-160 cm mainly leads to spring maize root zone soil moisture content; Under the condition of test coverage and same variety, with the increase of planting density, maize yield increased significantly; Under the condition of the same density and variety, DFM cover production is better than that of HM coverage; The same density and coverage model under the condition of compact high yield varieties yield relatively flat type traditional varieties increased significantly; DFM coverage and compact high yield varieties under 90000 plants/hm2 planting density had higher yield, at the same time for leisure period precipitation recharge difficult under 140 cm deep soil moisture has severe consumption, adverse to the annual soil moisture balance and sustainable development of maize, flat type traditional varieties under different cultivation patterns yield is low, consumption of shallow water depth, easy to fallow period precipitation recharge to recover.