
以氟乐灵和炔苯酰草胺作为一种新的诱导剂,以不同遗传背景的玉米自交系及杂交种为试材,通过不同试剂、不同浓度、不同时期处理,进行化学诱导玉米孤雌生殖研究。结果表明:浓度80μmolL-1为氟乐灵和炔苯酰草胺的最佳诱导浓度,结实株率分别达到24%和36%,最佳处理时期在雌穗吐丝后第5天。杂交种的诱导效果普遍好于自交系及不同世代的材料,糯玉米好于普通玉米,Lancaster群好于Reid群。 英文摘要: The test by using different agents,different concentrations and different treatment stages conducted research of chemical-induced parthenogenesis.In the study,trifluralin and pronamide were used as new inducers, corn inbred lines and hybrids of different genetic background were used as materials.The results indicated that best concentration of both trifluralin and pronamide was 80μmolL-1,the seed rate of the plants was 24% and 36% respectively ,the fifth day after silking was the best treatment stage to induce.Inducing effect of hybrids was superior to inbred lines and materials of different generations,the waxy maize was superior to the general maize,the Reid group was inferior to the Lancaster group.