2016年9月23日,国际著名学术期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》杂志在线发表了美国宾夕法尼亚大学Kimberly L. Gallagher教授和福建农林大学青年千人计划吴双教授合作的题为《Symplastic signaling instructs cell division, cell expansion, and cell polarity in the ground tissue of ArABIdopsis thaliana roots》的研究论文,研究揭示了植物细胞沟通机制与对根系发育的调控作用。吴双教授论文第一作者与共同通讯作者,Kimberly L. Gallagher教授为另一通讯作者。
Symplastic signaling instructs Cell division, cell expansion, and cell polarity in the ground tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Cell-to-cell communication is essential for the development and patterning of multicellular organisms. In plants, plasmodesmata (PD) provide direct routes for intercellular signaling. However, the role that PD-mediated signaling plays in plant development has not been fully investigated. To gain a comprehensive view of the role that symplastic signaling plays in Arabidopsis thaliana, we have taken advantage of a synthetic allele of CALLOSE SYNTHASE3 (icals3m) that inducibly disrupts cell-to-cell communication specifically at PD. Our results show that loss of symplastic signaling to and from the endodermis has very significant effects on the root, including an increase in the number of cell layers in the root and a misspecification of stele cells, as well as ground tissue. Surprisingly, loss of endodermal signaling also results in a loss of anisotropic elongation in all cells within the root, similar to what is seen in radially swollen mutants. Our results suggest that symplastic signals to and from the endodermis are critical in the coordinated growth and development of the root.