
摘要 : 近期,《Molecular & Cellular Proteomics》杂志在线发表了中国科学院水生生物研究所葛峰研究组发表的关于原核生物的蛋白基因组分析重要进展文章,研究成果题为“GAPP: a proteogenomic software for genome annotation and global profiling of posttranslational modifications in prokaryotes”。

近期,《molecular & Cellular Proteomics》杂志在线发表了中国科学院水生生物研究所葛峰研究组发表的关于原核生物的蛋白基因组分析重要进展文章,研究成果题为“GAPP: a proteogenomic software for genome annotation and global profiling of posttranslational modifications in prokaryotes”。

蛋白基因组学(Proteogenomics) 是基于高精度的串联质谱数据对基因组进行注释,不仅能在蛋白质水平上验证基因表达和模式,还能提供蛋白质组层面特有的信息,如翻译后修饰、信号肽等。目前,蛋白基因组学已成为功能基因组学研究不可或缺的重要工具。然而,对海量质谱数据实现全面和精准的解读仍是当前蛋白基因组学研究的瓶颈,目前仍缺乏专业、高效的蛋白基因组学分析方法与软件,限制了其在生命和健康领域的应用。

在前期完成的模式蓝藻的蛋白基因组学分析工作的基础上(Yang et al., PNAS,2014,111(52):E5633-E5642),基于水生所的超级计算平台,开发了针对原核生物的蛋白基因组学专业分析软件GAPP。该软件整合了多组学数据库搜索、类别错误率评估以及非限制性翻译后修饰鉴定等多种方法,可实现针对海量质谱数据的快速、精准分析。利用该软件对已发表的幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)蛋白质组学数据进行了测试,重新注释了幽门螺杆菌的基因组,鉴定到84.9%的已注释编码基因并发现了20个新基因。同时,利用该软件还实现了幽门螺杆菌的蛋白质翻译后修饰的全局系统发现,为幽门螺杆菌基因组的深入解读及其功能分析奠定了基础,也为深入研究幽门螺杆菌致病的分子机制提供了新的研究方向。该软件实现了“一键式”的原核生物蛋白质基因组学快速、精准分析,使用者只需具备简单的生物信息学知识,即可快速高效完成原核生物的蛋白质基因组的精准鉴定和功能分析,该软件有望成为解读原核生物基因组及其功能分析的有力工具。


GAPP: a proteogenomic software for genome annotation and global profiling of posttranslational modifications in prokaryotes


While the number of sequenced prokaryotic genomes is growing rapidly, experimentally verified annotation of prokaryotic genome remains patchy and challenging. To facilitate genome annotation efforts for prokaryotes, we developed an open source software called GAPP for genome annotation and global profiling of posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in prokaryotes. With a single command, it provides a standard workflow to validate and refine predicted genetic models and discover diverse PTM events. We demonstrated the utility of GAPP using proteomic data from Helicobacter pylori, one of the major human pathogens that is responsible for many gastric diseases. Our results confirmed 84.9% of the existing predicted H. pylori proteins, identified 20 novel protein coding genes, and corrected four existing gene models with regard to translation initiation sites. In particular, GAPP revealed a large repertoire of PTMs using the same proteomic data and provided a rich resource that can be used to examine the functions of reversible modifications in this human pathogen. This software is a powerful tool for PTM genome annotation and global discovery and is applicable to any sequenced prokaryotic organism; we expect that it will become an integral part of ongoing genome annotation efforts for prokaryotes. GAPP is freely available at


