害虫的抗性问题是转Bt基因作物产业持续健康发展的最主要威胁。棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)是Bt玉米的重要靶标害虫之一。规避行为可以减少害虫与Bt玉米的接触而降低生理抗性选择压力。在本研究中,通过比较棉铃虫对Bt玉米与常规玉米的行为反应评估了棉铃虫对Bt玉米的行为规避能力。产卵选择结果显示,棉铃虫成虫在Bt玉米上的落卵量显著低于常规玉米。无选择条件下,仍然出现了Bt玉米上的落卵量显著低于常规玉米的现象。幼虫实验结果显示,棉铃虫初孵幼虫在Bt玉米植株上的居留时间显著短于在常规玉米上的居留时间。以上研究结果证明,棉铃虫对Bt玉米具有一定的行为规避能力。本研究对合理预测害虫对Bt作物的抗性风险具有重要意义。
The resistance of pests is the main threat to the continued success of transgenic Bt crops. Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is one of the important target pests of Bt maize. Behavioral avoidance might lead to reduce exposure to Bt maize and minimize selection for physiological resistance. In this study, we determined if behavioral avoidance against Bt maize present in H. armigera by comparing its behavioral responses to Bt and non-Bt maize. The oviposition choice experiment showed that the number of eggs on Bt maize were significantly lower than on non-Bt maize. Under the no choice condition, the amount of egg drop on Bt maize was also significantly lower than that of conventional maize.SThe results of larvae test indicated that the residence time of H. armigera neonates on Bt maize plants was much shorter than that on conventional maize plants. The above results proved that H. armigera larvae exhibit behavioral avoidance to Bt maize. This study is of great significance for the reasonable prediction of the risk of pest resistance to Bt crops.S