Plant Journal:福建农大王凯课题组发表植物着丝粒研究成果

摘要 : 2016年8月24日,国际植物学权威期刊《The Plant Journal》在线发表了福建农林大学海峡联合研究院王凯教授课题组和美国著名植物演化研究科学家Jonathan Wendel团队合作的关于植物功能着丝粒DNA结构与演化研究的最新研究成果

2016年8月24日,国际植物学权威期刊《The plant Journal》在线发表了福建农林大学海峡联合研究院王凯教授课题组和美国著名植物演化研究科学家Jonathan Wendel团队合作的关于植物功能着丝粒DNA结构与演化研究的最新研究成果(Rapid proliferation and nucleolar organizer targeting centromeric retrotransposons in cotton),这是继不久前该团队在该杂志发表染色质空间排布研究成果后又一次基于现有科研平台开展的研究成果在该杂志发表。硕士生韩金磊,单文波及Jonathan团队的Rick Masonbrink博士为共同第一作者,王凯教授为通讯作者。




Rapid proLiferation and nucleolar organizer targeting centromeric retrotransposons in cotton


Centromeric chromatin in most eukaryotes is composed of highly repetitive centromeric retrotransposons and satellite repeats that are highly variable even among closely related species.The evolutionary mechanisms that underlie the rapid evolution of centromeric repeatsremain unknown. To obtain insight into the evolution of centromeric repeats following polyploidy, we studied a model diploid progenitor (Gossypium raimondii,D-genome) of the allopolyploid (AD-genome) cottons, G. hirsutum and G. barbadense. Sequence analysis of chromatin-immunoprecipitated DNA showed that the G. raimondii centromeric repeats originated from retrotransposon-related sequences. Comparative analysis showed that nine of the ten analyzed centromeric repeats were absent from the centromeres in the A-genome and related diploid species (B-, F- and G-genome), indicating that they colonized the centromeres of D-genome lineage after the divergence of the A- and D- ancestral species or that they were ancestrally retained prior to the origin of Gossypium. Notably, six of the nine repeats were present in both the A- and D-subgenomes in tetraploid G. hirsutum, and increased in abundance in both subgenomes. This suggeststhat centromeric repeats may spread and proliferate between genomes subsequent to polyploidization. Two repeats, Gr334 and Gr359 occurred in both the centromeres and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in D and AD genome species, yet localized to just the NORs in A-, B-, F-, and G-genome species. Contained within is a story of an established centromeric repeat that is eliminated and allopolyploidization provides an opportunity for reinvasion and reestablishment, which broadens our evolutionary understanding behind the cycles of centromeric repeat establishment and targeting.

DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13309

