2016年8月17日,国际著名学术期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》杂志在线发表了华中农业大学生命科学技术学院张启发教授和美国亚利桑那大学Rod A. Wing教授合作的一篇研究论文,研究证实两种优质籼稻品种珍汕97(Zhenshan 97)和明恢63(Minghui 63)的参考基因组之间有着广泛的序列差异。
珍汕97(ZS97)和明恢63 (MH63)是籼稻亚种的两个主要的品种,是优质中国杂交水稻的亲本。在这篇新文章中研究人员报告称,对ZS97和MH63进行了基于定位的测序。基因组序列被组装成237个(ZS97)和181 个(MH63)重叠群(contig),精度>99.99%,分别覆盖了它们90.6% 和93.2%预计基因组大小。
比较分析这两个籼稻基因组揭示出惊人的结构差异,尤其是倒位、易位、有无变异(presence/absence variations,PAVs)和片段复制。大约42%的非转座因子相关基因在两个基因组之间完全相同。分析三种组织的转录组显示,1,059–2,217多个基因表达于杂交稻而非亲本中,由于亲本基因组之间的差异,杂交稻中的一些表达基因更加多样化。
Extensive sequence divergence between the reference genomes of two elite indica rICE varieties Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63
Asian cultivated rice consists of two subspecies: Oryza sativa subsp. indica and O. sativa subsp. japonica. Despite the fact that indica rice accounts for over 70% of total rice production worldwide and is genetically much more diverse, a high-quality reference genome for indica rice has yet to be published. We conducted map-based sequencing of two indica rice lines, Zhenshan 97 (ZS97) and Minghui 63 (MH63), which represent the two major varietal groups of the indica subspecies and are the parents of an elite Chinese hybrid. The genome sequences were assembled into 237 (ZS97) and 181 (MH63) contigs, with an accuracy >99.99%, and covered 90.6% and 93.2% of their estimated genome sizes. Comparative analyses of these two indica genomes uncovered surprising structural differences, especially with respect to inversions, translocations, presence/absence variations, and segmental duplications. Approximately 42% of nontransposable element related genes were identical between the two genomes. Transcriptome analysis of three tissues showed that 1,059–2,217 more genes were expressed in the hybrid than in the parents and that the expressed genes in the hybrid were much more diverse due to their divergence between the parental genomes. The public availability of two high-quality reference genomes for the indica subspecies of rice will have large-ranging implications for plant biology and crop genetic improvement.