EMBO Journal:北京大学钱伟强研究组揭示拟南芥DNA主动去甲基化调控

摘要 : 2016年7月28日,国际知名学术期刊《EMBO Journal》在线发表了北京大学生命科学学院钱伟强研究组揭示拟南芥DNA主动去甲基化调控机制的研究论文。

2016年7月28日,国际知名学术期刊《EMBO Journal》在线发表了北京大学生命科学学院钱伟强研究组揭示拟南芥DNA主动去甲基化调控机制的研究论文,论文题为 “A Pair of Transposon-Derived Proteins Regulate Active DNA Demethylation inArabidopsis”。生命学院博士后李琦,交叉学院研究生袁卫和生命学院研究生王小康为论文共同第一作者,钱伟强研究员为论文通讯作者。


钱伟强组发现IDAP1(IDM1 associated protein 1)和IDAP2是IDM1复合体的新成员,其中IDAP1具有DDE_transposase保守结构域,而IDAP2具有myb_DNA bind保守结构域。进化分析支持IDAP1和IDAP2是由PIF/Harbinger类DNA转座子编码基因共同衍化而来。idap1和idap2突变体与idm1,ros1等主动去甲基化相关基因突变体相似,都会引起特异位点甲基化水平升高、转基因沉默和内源基因沉默的表型。在idap2突变体中IDM1无法发挥正常功能,他们进一步证明IDAP2作为DNA 结合蛋白起到引导IDM1识别靶位点的功能。该项研究首次报道转座子衍化基因在DNA主动去甲基化中发挥重要功能。



A pair of transposon‐derived proteins regulate active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis


DNA methylation and histone modifications are important epigenetic markers involved in transcriptional gene regulation in animals and plants. In Arabidopsis, IDM1 is a histone acetyltransferase that plays critical roles in preventing hypermethylation of DNA and transcriptional gene silencing, but the mechanism(s) by which IDM1 is targeted to specific genomic loci is still unclear. Here, we find two new components of the IDM1 complex, IDAP1 and IDAP2, which bear high similarities to the transposase and myb‐like DNA‐binding protein of PIF/Harbinger transposons, respectively. Dysfunction of IDAP1 or IDAP2 causes DNA hypermethylation and repression of reporter genes as well as endogenous genes. IDAP1 interacts with IDAP2, and they form a protein complex with IDM1. Furthermore, IDAP2 has DNA‐binding activity, which facilitates the recruitment of IDM1 to its target loci. We propose that IDAP1 and IDAP2, co‐opted from ancient PIF/Harbinger‐like transposon proteins, act together with IDM1 to regulate active DNA demethylation in higher plants.

DOI 10.15252/embj.201694284

