PLoS Pathogens:农科院蔬菜所谢丙炎研究组等介绍脂肽抗生素生物合

摘要 : 2016年7月14日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所谢丙炎研究员领衔的蔬菜病害防控创新团队与中国科学院微生物研究所应文斌研究组合作的一篇研究论文

2016年7月14日,国际微生物学知名期刊《PLOS Pathogens》在线发表了中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所谢丙炎研究员领衔的蔬菜病害防控创新团队与中国科学院微生物研究所应文斌研究组合作的一篇研究论文,研究报道了在淡紫拟青霉生物防治作用机制的研究重要突破,研究人员解析出了淡紫拟青霉中最重要的脂肽类抗生素leucinostatins的生物合成途径,王刚、刘志国和林润茂三位博士为论文第一作者,谢丙炎研究员和尹文兵研究员为文章通讯作者。





Biosynthesis of antibiotic Leucinostatins in Bio-control FungusPurpureocillium lilacinum and Their Inhibition on PhytophthoraRevealed by Genome Mining


Purpureocillium lilacinum of Ophiocordycipitaceae is one of the most promising and commercialized agents for controlling plant parasitic nematodes, as well as other insects and plant pathogens. However, how the fungus functions at the molecular level remains unknown. Here, we sequenced two isolates (PLBJ-1 and PLFJ-1) of P. lilacinum from different places Beijing and Fujian. Genomic analysis showed high synteny of the two isolates, and the phylogenetic analysis indicated they were most related to the insect pathogen Tolypocladium inflatum. A comparison with other species revealed that this fungus was enriched in carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), proteases and pathogenesis related genes. Whole genome search revealed a rich repertoire of secondary metabolites (SMs) encoding genes. The non-ribosomal peptide synthetase LcsA, which is comprised of ten C-A-PCP modules, was identified as the core biosynthetic gene of lipopeptide leucinostatins, which was specific to P.lilacinum and T. ophioglossoides, as confirmed by phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, gene expression level was analyzed when PLBJ-1 was grown in leucinostatin-inducing and non-inducing medium, and 20 genes involved in the biosynthesis of leucionostatins were identified. Disruption mutants allowed us to propose a putative biosynthetic pathway of leucinostatin A. Moreover, overexpression of the transcription factor lcsF increased the production (1.5-fold) of leucinostatins A and B compared to wild type. Bioassays explored a new bioactivity of leucinostatins and P. lilacinum: inhibiting the growth of Phytophthora infestans and P. capsici. These results contribute to our understanding of the biosynthetic mechanism of leucinostatins and may allow us to utilize P. lilacinum better as bio-control agent.


