为探索南方鲜食玉米生产区播期对甜玉米籽粒灌浆和产量特性的影响,2014-2015年以甜玉米品种粤甜16、粤甜22和新美夏珍为试验材料,大田条件下在春、夏、秋三个播期种植,并利用Logistic 方程y =A/(1+Be–Cx)比较不同播期甜玉米籽粒灌浆过程。结果表明,播期显著影响甜玉米产量、穗粒数、千粒重;从夏播、春播到秋播,随着抽丝至成熟期日均温逐渐降低,甜玉米鲜穗产量、穗粒数和千粒重均增高,鲜穗产量、穗粒数和千粒重表现为,粤甜16的春播、夏播占秋播的88.13%、84.74%,98.36%、96.88%,89.94%、84.83%;粤甜22 的春播、夏播占秋播的93.76%、87.34%,94.70%、91.45%,92.77%、87.51%;新美夏珍的春播、夏播占秋播的89.53%、82.49%,90.55%、84.19%,94.56%、89.86%。从夏播、春播到秋播,到达最大灌浆速率的天数(Tmax)推迟,活跃灌浆期(P)增长,达到最大灌浆速率时的生长量(Wmax)增大,导致粒重、穗粒数和产量增加。同时发现甜玉米品种决定粒重与灌浆参数的关系,同一甜玉米品种的粒重与灌浆速率最大时的生长量(Wmax)呈极显著正相关,品种间的粒重差异由活跃灌浆天数(P)决定。根据播期选择适宜甜玉米品种,提高夏播时籽粒灌浆速率达到最大时的生长量(Wmax),并延长活跃灌浆天数(P)是甜玉米周年生产中获得高产、稳产的重要途径。
The objective of this study was to explore the effect of sowing date on grain filling properties and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata sturt) in Fresh corn anniversary production area in the south China. The Field experiments were carried out using sweet corn cultivars (Yuetian 16, Yuetian 22, and Xinmeixiazhen) with different sowing date of spring, summer, and autumn in 2014–2015. The Logistic equation (y =A/(1+Be–Cx)) was used to analyze the grain filling process. The results showed that sowing date significantly affected the yield and yield components of sweet corn. From the summer sowing, spring to autumn sowing, with average daily temperature of the silking to mature period decreases gradually, sweet corn grains per ear, 1000-kernel weight and yield are increased. Grains per ear, 1000-kernel weight and yield characterized by, for Yuetian 16, spring and summer sowing account for autumn sowing 88.13%, 84.74%; 98.36%, 96.88%; 89.94%, 84.83%; for Yuetian 22, spring and summer sowing account for autumn sowing 93.76%, 87.34%; 94.70%, 91.45%; 92.77%, 87.51%; for Xinmeixiazhen, spring and summer sowing account for autumn sowing 89.53%, 82.49%; 90.55%, 84.19%; 94.56%, 89.86%. From the summer sowing, spring to autumn sowing, the time reaching the maximum grain-filling rate (Tmax) delayed, the duration of active grain-filling period (P) and weight of a kernel at the time of maximum grain-filling rate (Wmax) increased, grains per ear, 1000-kernel weight and yield are all increased. The relation among grain weight and parameter of grain filling was determined by characteristics of sweet corn cultivar. The grain weight of the same cultivar was significantly positively correlated with grain weight with the maximum grain-filling rate (Wmax), and the grain weight of different sweet corn cultivars was determined by active grain-filling period (P). It is an important way to keep a high and stable yield of fresh corn in anniversary production by selecting the suitable cultivar according to sowing date, improving Gmax and prolonging active grain-filling period (P) in summer sowing date.