PLoS Genetics:中科院遗传所薛勇彪研究组揭示水稻花器官稳态发育

摘要 : 2016年7月1日,国际知名生命科学期刊《PLOS genetics》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所薛勇彪研究组和钱文峰研究组合作的一篇研究论文

2016年7月1日,国际知名生命科学期刊《PLOS genetics》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所薛勇彪研究组和钱文峰研究组合作的一篇研究论文,论文揭示水稻花器官稳态发育的分子机制。薛勇彪研究组博士张碧瑶和钱文峰研究组博士研究生吴少欢为该论文的共同第一作者,薛勇彪研究员为论文通讯作者。


研究人员通过对水稻eg1突变体的研究,发现eg1突变体在不同的生长环境下花器官呈现显著的表型差异,表明EG1的突变影响了水稻花器官的稳态发育。生理生化实验表明EG1是一个主要在线粒体定位的脂酶,其转录水平、蛋白稳定性和酶活性都具有高温依赖特性。重要的是EG1能够抑制大量下游基因在转录水平对环境的响应,其中包括一系列花器官特性决定基因。进一步的遗传分析证明花器官决定基因OsMADS1, OsMADS6和OsG1作用于EG1的下游来保证花器官的稳态发育。这些结果表明EG1通过介导一条高温依赖的线粒体脂酶途径来保证花器官决定基因的正常表达,进而促进在不同环境中花器官的稳态发育。这一发现揭示了一个调控植物花器官发育的新机制。



A High Temperature-Dependent Mitochondrial Lipase EXTRA GLUME1 Promotes Floral Phenotypic Robustness against Temperature Fluctuation in RICE (Oryza sativa L.)


The sessile plants have evolved diverse intrinsic mechanisms to control their proper development under variable environments. In contrast to plastic vegetative development, reproductive traits like floral identity often show phenotypic robustness against environmental variations. However, it remains obscure about the molecular basis of this phenotypic robustness. In this study, we found that eg1 (extra glume1) mutants of rice (Oryza savita L.) showed floral phenotypic variations in different growth locations resulting in a breakdown of floral identity robustness. Physiological and biochemical analyses showed that EG1 encodes a predominantly mitochondria-localized functional lipase and functions in a high temperature-dependent manner. Furthermore, we found that numerous environmentally responsive genes including many floral identity genes are transcriptionally repressed in eg1 mutants andOsMADS1, OsMADS6 and OsG1 genetically act downstream of EG1 to maintain floral robustness. Collectively, our results demonstrate that EG1 promotes floral robustness against temperature fluctuation by safeguarding the expression of floral identify genes through a high temperature-dependent mitochondrial lipid pathway and uncovers a novel mechanistic insight into floral developmental control.


