以玉米品种郑单958为试验材料,研究不同氮肥运筹方式(氮肥全部基施(N1)、基肥70?Aa拔节肥30%(N2)、基肥50?Aa拔节肥50%(N3)和基肥30?Aa拔节肥50?Aa大喇叭口肥20%(N4))对苗期受渍夏玉米籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响,并利用Logistic方程Y = K/(1+eA+Bt)比较不同处理的玉米籽粒灌浆过程,以期为苗期受渍夏玉米合理施肥提供理论依据。结果表明,渍水处理降低籽粒千粒重最大潜力值,降幅达5.5%~10.3%,灌浆持续期缩短,最高达到9 d,平均灌浆速率降低,最大灌浆速率出现的时间提前。氮肥后移较氮肥前移处理提高籽粒最大潜力值,平均灌浆速率增大,最高达22.4%,最大灌浆速率出现表现出“滞后性”,最高延迟13.8%,氮肥后移运筹方式有利于减轻苗期渍害对籽粒灌浆特性的影响。通径分析表明,最大灌浆速率出现的时间、平均灌浆速率和渐增期灌浆速率对粒重影响较大,表现为Tm> Va> V1,通径方程为y=-32.051+1.228 x1+30.542 x2+37.942 x3。苗期渍水抑制籽粒灌浆速率,导致夏玉米产量下降,降幅达24.2%~25.7%,氮肥后移能够减轻苗期渍害对产量的影响。
Field experiments were carried out to clarify the grain yield and grain filling characterisitics of maize after waterlogging in the seedling stage using summer maize cultivar “Zhengdan958”. Under both waterlogging and control (normal watering) conditions, we implemented four N application treatments with different N application ratios (total N amount of 240 kg ha-1 in all treatments) at land preparation, jointing, and big trumpet stages (10:0:0 for N1, 7:3:0 for N2, 5:5:0 for N3, and 3:5:2 for N4). The results showed that waterlogging stress in the seedling stage decreased the final grain weight by 5.5%–10.3%, duration of grain filling and average grain filling stage also decreased, while the date of the maximum grain filling rate occurred advanced by 3.1%. Postpone of nitrogen application increased the final grain weight, compared to N4 treatment, the final grain weight decreased by 4.4%–17.9% of other N treatments under waterlogging stress, while as for control, compared to N4 treatment, the final grain weight decreased by 5.4%–14.8% of other N treatments. Postponed nitrogen application increased the average grain filling rate and the maximum grain filling rate occurred delayed, the results indicate that postpone of nitrogen application can alleviate the effect of waterlogging on the grain filling characterisitics. Path analysis results showed that the date of maximum grain filling rate occurred, average grain filling rate and early duration stage had positive relationship with final grain weight, the path equation was y=-32.051+1.228 x1+30.542 x2+37.942 x3.Waterlogging stress in the seedling stage decreased grain filling rate, which results in grain yield significantly decreased by 24.2%–25.7%, postponed nitrogen application was able to alleviate the effect of waterlogging on grain yield.