
为了明确不同氮肥用量对土壤养分含量、春玉米产量和氮肥利用的影响,设置5种施氮水平进行田间试验。结果表明,优化施氮(N150)、优化施氮配施有机肥(N150+M)处理可增加土壤速效养分含量,土壤水分和温度受不同氮肥用量影响较小;N150和N150+M处理玉米增产幅度较大,增产率分别为19.44%和16.67%;N150处理的氮肥农学利用率最高,高量施氮处理(N180)最低;减量施氮(N120)与N150处理的氮肥偏生产力较高。可见,N150即优化施用氮肥处理,不仅可以增加土壤速效养分含量,保障速效养分对春玉米的及时供给;同时还可以增加春玉米产量,提高氮肥利用效率。 英文摘要: Field experiments of five nitrogen fertilizer amounts were conducted to clarify the effects of different nitrogen amounts on soil nutrient content, spring maize yield and agronomic efficiency. Results showed that treatments of N150 and N150+M (M: organic manure fertilizer) could increase soil available nutrient contents, while there was no significant effects on soil water content and temperature. N150 and N150+M also had higher yield increase rates of spring maize than others, which were 19.44% and 16.67% respectively; while, treatment of N150 had highest nitrogen partial productivity, treatment of higher amount nitrogen fertilizer (N180) was the lowest one; treatments of reduce amount nitrogen fertilizer (N120) and N150 had higher nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency. Therefore, N150--the scientific nitrogen fertilization could not only increase soil available nutrient contents and keep nutrient supply to spring maize; but also could increase yield of spring maize and efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer.