PLoS ONE:中科院昆明植物所高连明和李德铢研究组发表茶树栽培驯

摘要 : 2016年5月24日,国际知名学术期刊《PLoS One》在线发表了中国科学院昆明植物研究所高连明研究组和李德铢研究组合作的研究结果

2016年5月24日,国际知名学术期刊《PLoS ONE》在线发表了中国科学院昆明植物研究所高连明研究组和李德铢研究组合作的题为“Indications for Three Independent Domestication Events for the Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Kuntze) and New Insights into the Origin of Tea Germplasm in China and India Revealed by Nuclear Microsatellites”的研究结果,研究论文报道了茶树栽培驯化起源研究成果。

茶树((Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze))是我国最早驯化的木本作物之一,栽培历史悠久,并通过古丝绸之路和茶马古道直接或间接地传播到世界各地。目前全球共有52个国家种植茶叶,茶已成为世界上最受欢迎的三大无酒精饮料之一。东亚和南亚地区是全球最重要的茶叶种植和生产中心,约占全世界总产量的85%,其中,中国和印度则是两个最大的产茶国,也被认为是栽培茶树的驯化中心。由于至今没有发现茶树的野生居群,有关茶树的栽培起源与驯化历史一直存在较大的争议(如大叶茶和小叶茶为一次驯化还是多次驯化起源)。


图1. 基于23对核基因组微卫星标记的STRUCTURE遗传分组分析(K = 2, 3 , 4)

图2. 392份茶树样品基于23对核基因组微卫星标记的主成分分析


Indications for Three Independent Domestication Events for the Tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) and New Insights into the Origin of Tea Germplasm in China and India Revealed by Nuclear Microsatellites



Tea is the world’s most popular non-alcoholic beverage. China and India are known to be the largest tea producing countries and recognized as the centers for the domestication of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). However, molecular studies on the origin, domestication and relationships of the main teas, China type, Assam type and Cambod type are lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Twenty-three nuclear microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity, relatedness, and domestication history of cultivated tea in both China and India. Based on a total of 392 samples, high levels of genetic diversity were observed for all tea types in both countries. The cultivars clustered into three distinct genetic groups (i.e. China tea, Chinese Assam tea and Indian Assam tea) based on STRUCTURE, PCoA and UPGMA analyses with significant pairwise genetic differentiation, corresponding well with their geographical distribution. A high proportion (30%) of the studied tea samples were shown to possess genetic admixtures of different tea types suggesting a hybrid origin for these samples, including the Cambod type.


We demonstrate that Chinese Assam tea is a distinct genetic lineage from Indian Assam tea, and that China tea sampled from India was likely introduced from China directly. Our results further indicate that China type tea, Chinese Assam type tea and Indian Assam type tea are likely the result of three independent domestication events from three separate regions across China and India. Our findings have important implications for the conservation of genetic stocks, as well as future breeding programs.


